#include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ struct RegionImpl{ RegionImpl(icl64f val, const ImgBase *image): pixcount(0),val(val),image(image),bb(0), pcainfo(0),boundary(0),pixels(0),boundary_length(-1), cornerDetector(0),accurateCenter(0){ scanlines.reserve(100); } ~RegionImpl(){ ICL_DELETE(bb); ICL_DELETE(pcainfo); ICL_DELETE(boundary); ICL_DELETE(pixels); ICL_DELETE(cornerDetector); ICL_DELETE(accurateCenter); } std::vector scanlines; icl32s pixcount; icl64f val; Point32f cog; const ImgBase *image; Rect *bb; RegionPCAInfo *pcainfo; std::vector *boundary; std::vector *pixels; float boundary_length; CornerDetectorCSS *cornerDetector; Point32f *accurateCenter; }; void RegionImplDelOp::delete_func( RegionImpl* impl){ ICL_DELETE( impl ); } Region::Region(RegionPart *p, int maxSize,icl64f val, const ImgBase *image): // {{{ open ShallowCopyable(new RegionImpl(val,image)){ collect(p,maxSize); impl->cog.x /= impl->pixcount; impl->cog.y /= impl->pixcount; } // }}} int Region::getSize() const{ return impl->pixcount; } icl64f Region::getVal() const { return impl->val; } const Point32f &Region::getCOG() const { return impl->cog; } const std::vector &Region::getScanLines() const { return impl->scanlines; } void Region::collect(RegionPart *p,int maxSize){ // {{{ open //printf("collecting part %p with %d scanlines\n",p,p->scanlines.size()); for(unsigned int i=0;iscanlines.size();++i){ ScanLine &sl = p->scanlines[i]; impl->scanlines.push_back(sl); impl->pixcount += sl.len; if(impl->pixcount > maxSize) return; /// direct break here impl->cog.x += sl.len * ( sl.x + (0.5*(sl.len-1)) ); impl->cog.y += sl.len * sl.y; } // printf("collecting part %p with %d other parts\n",p,p->parts.size()); for(unsigned int i=0;iparts.size();++i){ collect(p->parts[i],maxSize); } } // }}} const Rect & Region::getBoundingBox() const{ // {{{ open if(impl->bb){ return *impl->bb; } register int minX = std::numeric_limits::max(); register int minY = minX; register int maxX = std::numeric_limits::min(); register int maxY = maxX; for(std::vector::const_iterator it = impl->scanlines.begin(); it!= impl->scanlines.end(); ++it){ minX = iclMin(minX,it->x); maxX = iclMax(maxX,it->x+it->len); minY = iclMin(minY,it->y); maxY = iclMax(maxY,it->y); } const_cast(impl.get())->bb = new Rect(minX,minY,maxX-minX,maxY-minY+1); return *impl->bb; } // }}} namespace{ inline bool scanline_cmp_y(const ScanLine &a, const ScanLine &b) { // {{{ open return a.y < b.y; } // }}} inline double eval_sum_of_squares(double k){ // {{{ open ( retuns sum(i=0..k) i*i ) return k*(k+1)*(2*k+1)/6.0; } // }}} inline double eval_sum(double k){ // {{{ open ( returns sum(i=0..k) i ) return k*(k+1)/2.0; } // }}} } Point Region::getUpperLeftPixel()const{ // {{{ open Point p; // p.y = std::numeric_limits::max(); //for(unsigned int i=0;iscanlines.size();++i){ // p.y = iclMin(impl->scanlines[i].y,p.y); //} p.y = std::min_element(impl->scanlines.begin(),impl->scanlines.end(),scanline_cmp_y)->y; p.x = std::numeric_limits::max(); for(unsigned int i=0;iscanlines.size();++i){ if(impl->scanlines.at(i).y == p.y){ p.x = iclMin(impl->scanlines.at(i).x,p.x); } } return p; } // }}} int Region::getBoundaryPointCount() const { // {{{ open return (int)getBoundary().size(); } // Estimates the boundary length by counting how often the three // 3-pixel gradients 0 deg, 26.57 deg and 45 deg occour in the boundary and // summing these segments' lengths together. // 0 deg gradient | 26.57 deg grad | 45 deg grad // ooo oxo | oox ooo | oox ooo // xXx OR xXo | xXo OR xXo | oXo OR oXo // ooo ooo | ooo xoo | xoo xox // Also, instead of just iterating over the boundary points, we need to leave // out some of them, since e.g. a 45 deg line looks like this: // ooxx ooox // oxxo but we need ooxo // xxoo oxoo float Region::getBoundaryLength() const { if (impl->boundary_length != -1) return impl->boundary_length; const std::vector &b = getBoundary(); if (b.size() < 2) return b.size(); const float length[3] = {1, 1/cos(atan(0.5)), 1/cos(atan(1))}; // length of segment types int grad[3] = {0}, type; // counters for segment types Point pre = b[b.size()-2]; Point cur = b[b.size()-1]; Point post; for (unsigned i=0; i < b.size(); i++) { // search for the first point not in the 8 neighbourhood of current point if ((abs(b[i].x - cur.x) > 1) || (abs(b[i].y - cur.y) > 1)) { // found one, so pre, cur and post are the three points to look at type = 0; if ((pre.x != cur.x) && (pre.y != cur.y)) type++; if ((post.x != cur.x) && (post.y != cur.y)) type++; grad[type]++; // set pre, cur and post to new values pre = cur; cur = post; post = b[i]; } else post = b[i]; } const_cast(impl.get())->boundary_length = length[0]*grad[0] + length[1]*grad[1] + length[2]*grad[2]; return impl->boundary_length; } // }}} float Region::getFormFactor() const { // {{{ open float U = getBoundaryLength(); float A = getSize(); return (U*U)/(4*M_PI*A); } // }}} const RegionPCAInfo &Region::getPCAInfo() const { // {{{ open if(impl->pcainfo) return *impl->pcainfo; register int x,end,len; register double y; register double avgX = getCOG().x; register double avgY = getCOG().y; register double avgXX(0),avgXY(0),avgYY(0); register int nPts = getSize(); for(unsigned int i=0;iscanlines.size();++i){ x = impl->scanlines.at(i).x; y = impl->scanlines.at(i).y; len = impl->scanlines.at(i).len; end = impl->scanlines.at(i).x+len-1; /// XX = sum(k=x..end) k² avgXX += eval_sum_of_squares(end) - eval_sum_of_squares(x-1); /// YY = sum(k=x..end) y² avgYY += len*y*y; /// XY = sum(k=x..end) xy = y * sum(k=x..end) k avgXY += y * ( eval_sum(end) - eval_sum(x-1) ); } avgXX/=nPts; avgYY/=nPts; avgXY/=nPts; double fSxx = avgXX - avgX*avgX; double fSyy = avgYY - avgY*avgY; double fSxy = avgXY - avgX*avgY; double fP = 0.5*(fSxx+fSyy); double fD = 0.5*(fSxx-fSyy); fD = sqrt(fD*fD + fSxy*fSxy); double fA = fP + fD; const_cast(impl.get())->pcainfo = new RegionPCAInfo(2*sqrt(fP + fD),2*sqrt(fP - fD),atan2(fA-fSxx,fSxy),avgX,avgY); return *impl->pcainfo; } // }}} const std::vector &Region::getBoundary() const { // {{{ open if(impl->boundary) return *impl->boundary; const_cast(impl.get())->boundary = new std::vector; switch(impl->image->getDepth()){ #define ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(D) case depth##D: calculateBoundaryIntern(*impl->image->asImg()); break; ICL_INSTANTIATE_ALL_DEPTHS; #undef ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH } return *impl->boundary; } // }}} template void Region::calculateBoundaryIntern(const Img &image) const { // {{{ open const Rect &imageROI = image.getROI(); register int xMin = imageROI.x; register int xMax = imageROI.right()-1; register int yMin = imageROI.y; register int yMax = imageROI.bottom()-1; register int w = image.getWidth(); impl->boundary->clear(); Point ul = getUpperLeftPixel(); int xStart = ul.x; int yStart = ul.y; if(getSize() == 1){ impl->boundary->push_back(Point(xStart,yStart)); return; } T v = getVal(); const T *data = image.getData(0); /*********************************** dirs for 9er neighbourhood: 5 6 7 -1-w -w 1-w 4 c 0 -1 0 1 3 2 1 w-1 w 1+w // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 static int dirs[] = {-1-w , -w,1-w,1,1+w,w,w-1,-1,-1-w , -w,1-w,1,1+w,w,w-1,-1}; // 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 static int xdirs[] = { -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1 }; static int ydirs[] = { -1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 }; static int jumps[] = { 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; *************************************/ // dirs: // 3 -w // 2 c 0 -1 0 // 1 w // // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 register int dirs[] = {-w, 1, w,-1,-w, 1, w,-1 }; // 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 static int xdirs[] = { 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0,-1 }; static int ydirs[] = { -1, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0 }; static int jumps[] = { 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2 }; register int dirIdx=0; const register T *pStart = data+xStart+yStart*w; const register T *p = pStart; register int x=xStart; register int y=yStart; const register T *cp(0); register int cx(0), cy(0); register bool posValid(false); const register T *pBreak(0); register int dirIdxBreak(0); /// seach 2nd pixel -> criterion for end loop impl->boundary->push_back(Point(x,y)); do{ cx = x+xdirs[dirIdx]; cy = y+ydirs[dirIdx]; cp = p+dirs[dirIdx]; posValid = cx >= xMin && cx <= xMax && cy >= yMin && cy <= yMax; dirIdx++; }while(!posValid || *cp!=v); p = cp; x = cx; y = cy; pBreak = p; dirIdx = jumps[dirIdx-1]; dirIdxBreak = dirIdx; do{ impl->boundary->push_back(Point(x,y)); do{ cx = x+xdirs[dirIdx]; cy = y+ydirs[dirIdx]; cp = p+dirs[dirIdx]; posValid = cx >= xMin && cx <= xMax && cy >= yMin && cy <= yMax; dirIdx++; }while(!posValid || *cp!=v); p = cp; x = cx; y = cy; dirIdx = jumps[dirIdx-1]; }while ( (p != pBreak) || (dirIdx != dirIdxBreak) ); impl->boundary->pop_back(); } const std::vector &Region::getPixels() const { if(impl->pixels) return *impl->pixels; const_cast(impl.get())->pixels = new std::vector; for(unsigned int i=0;iscanlines.size();++i){ ScanLine &sl = const_cast(impl.get())->scanlines.at(i); for(int x=sl.x;xpixels->push_back(Point(x,sl.y)); } } return *impl->pixels; } // }}} namespace{ template struct DrawScanLine{ // {{{ open Channel *c; T val; inline DrawScanLine(Channel *c, T val):c(c),val(val){} inline void operator()(const ScanLine &sl){ T *p = &((*c)(sl.x,sl.y)); std::fill(p,p+sl.len,val); } }; // }}} } template void Region::drawTo(Img &image, T val) const{ // {{{ open ICLASSERT_RETURN(image.getChannels()>0); const std::vector &s = getScanLines(); Channel channel = image[0]; std::for_each(s.begin(),s.end(),DrawScanLine(&channel,val)); } // }}} const std::vector &Region::getBoundaryCorners(float angle_thresh, float rc_coeff, float sigma, float curvature_cutoff, float straight_line_thresh) const{ bool needReDetection = false; if(!impl->cornerDetector){ const_cast(impl.get())->cornerDetector = new CornerDetectorCSS(angle_thresh,rc_coeff,sigma,curvature_cutoff,straight_line_thresh); needReDetection = true; }else{ #define ONE_PARAM(Y,P) \ if(impl->cornerDetector->get##Y() != P){ \ needReDetection = true; \ impl->cornerDetector->set##Y(P); \ } ONE_PARAM(AngleThreshold,angle_thresh); ONE_PARAM(RCCoeff,rc_coeff); ONE_PARAM(Sigma,sigma); ONE_PARAM(CurvatureCutoff,curvature_cutoff); ONE_PARAM(StraightLineThreshold,straight_line_thresh); #undef ONE_PARAM } if(needReDetection){ return impl->cornerDetector->detectCorners(getBoundary()); }else{ return impl->cornerDetector->getLastCorners(); } } template const Point32f &Region::getAccurateCOG(const Img &grayImage, int bbMargin, const T &minThreshold, const T &maxThreshold, bool darkBlob) const{ if(impl->accurateCenter) return *impl->accurateCenter; const_cast&>(impl)->accurateCenter = new Point32f(-1,-1); Point32f &p = *const_cast&>(impl)->accurateCenter; ICLASSERT_RETURN_VAL(grayImage.getChannels(),p); Rect r = getBoundingBox().enlarged(bbMargin) & grayImage.getImageRect(); const Channel c = grayImage[0]; double sum = 0; double cx=0,cy=0; for(int x=r.x; x(c(x,y),minThreshold,maxThreshold)-double(minThreshold); if(darkBlob){ v = (maxThreshold-minThreshold)-v; } sum += v; cx += float(x)*v; cy += float(y)*v; } } p.x = cx/sum; p.y = cy/sum; return p; } #define ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(D) \ template void Region::drawTo(Img&,icl##D)const; \ template const Point32f &Region::getAccurateCOG(const Img&,int, const icl##D&, const icl##D&, bool) const; ICL_INSTANTIATE_ALL_DEPTHS; #undef ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH }