#ifndef ICLCONVOLUTIONOP_H #define ICLCONVOLUTIONOP_H #include namespace icl { /// Class for Image convolutions (Img8u, Img32f: IPP + Fallback, all other Types: Fallback only!) /** The ConvolutionOp class provides functionality for any kind of convolution filters. As most other filter operations, it operates on the source images ROI only. Because the filter mask has to fit into the image at every point of the ROI, the ROI is eventually shrinked as described in base class Filter.

Efficiency (IPP-Optimized)

All possible filter operations can be divided in 4 cases, depending on the source and destination images depths and the depth of the used filter kernel. While all image depths are supported, the only available kernel depths are depth32f (floating point) and depth32s (32-bit signed integer) Note the differences of the following cases:

case images: depth8u, depth16s, depth32s

In this case, an integer kernel is preferred. That means, that an integer kernel will be used, if available. Using a float kernel causes a marginal decline in performance.

case images: depth32f, depth64f

In this case, a float kernel is preferred. If it is not available, the fallback integer-kernel must be used. As convolution operations of float images with integer kernels are not supported by the IPP, the kernel is converted internally into a float-kernel.


The IPP-optimized functions are VERY fast in comparison to the fallback C++ implementations. The optimized 3x3 convolution functions provided by the IPP are more then 20 times faster. Here are some benchmarks: - arbitrary 3x3-convolution 1000x1000 single channel image (IPP-OPTIMIZED) - icl8u images & int kernel ~11.6ms - icl32f images & int kernel ~11.1ms - icl8u images & icl32f kernel ~13.5ms - icl32f-image & icl32f kernel ~11.3ms - fixed 3x3 convolution 1000x1000 single channel sobelx (IPP-OPTIMIZED) - icl8u images & int mask ~4ms (!!!) - icl8u images & icl32f mask ~8ms (!!!) - arbitrary 3x3-convolution 1000x1000 single channel image (C++-Fallback) - icl8u images & int kernel ~56ms (further implem. ~81ms) ??? - icl32f images & int kernel ~76ms (further implem. ~370ms) - icl8u images & icl32f kernel ~135ms (further implem. ~230ms) - icl32f-image & icl32f kernel ~60ms (further implem. ~60ms)

Buffering Kernels

In some applications the ConvolutionOp object has to be created during runtime. If the filter-kernel is created elsewhere, and it is persistent over the lifetime of the ConvolutionOp object, it may not be necessary to deeply copy the kernel into an internal buffer of the ConvolutionOp object. To make the ConvolutionOp object just using a given kernel pointer, an additional flag iBufferData can be set in two Constructors. */ class ConvolutionOp : public NeighborhoodOp { public: /// this enum contains several predefined convolution kernels /**


The sobel x filter is a combined filter. It performs a symmetrical border filter operation in x-direction, followed by a smoothing operation in y-direction:

                        ---------     ---        
                       | 1  0 -1 |   | 1 |    ---------
        kernelSobelX = | 2  0 -2 | = | 2 | * | 1  0 -1 |
                       | 1  0 -1 |   | 1 |    ---------
                        ---------     ---


The sobel y filter is essentially equal to the sobel y filter. The border detection will run in y-direction, and the smoothing x-direction.

                        ---------     ---        
                       | 1  2  1 |   | 1 |    ---------
        kernelSobelY = | 0  0  0 | = | 0 | * | 1  2  1 |
                       |-1 -2 -1 |   |-1 |    ---------
                        ---------     ---


This is a 3x3-Pixel approximation of a 2D Gaussian. It is separable into smoothing filters in x- and y-direction.

                                 ---------     ---        
                                | 1  2  1 |   | 1 |    ---------
        kernelGauss3x3 = 1/16 * | 2  4  2 | = | 2 | * | 1  2  1 | * (1/4) *(1/4) 
                                | 1  2  1 |   | 1 |    ---------
                                 ---------     ---


This is a 5x5-Pixel approximation of a 2D Gaussian. It is separable into smoothing filters in x- and y-direction.

                                 | 2   7  12  7  2 |
                                 | 7  31  52 31  7 |
        kernelGauss5x5 = 1/571 * |12  52 127 52 12 |
                                 | 7  31  52 31  7 |
                                 | 2   7  12  7  2 |



The Laplacian kernel is a discrete approximation of the 2nd derivation of a 2D function.

                        | 1  1  1 |
        kernelLaplace = | 1 -8  1 |
                        | 1  1  1 |
*/ enum kernel { kernelGauss3x3, /*!< 3x3 approximation of a Gaussian */ kernelGauss5x5, /*!< 5x5 approximation of a Gaussian */ kernelSobelX3x3, /*!< 3x3 sobel x filter */ kernelSobelX5x5, /*!< 5x5 sobel x filter */ kernelSobelY3x3, /*!< 3x3 sobel y filter */ kernelSobelY5x5, /*!< 5x5 sobel y filter */ kernelLaplace3x3, /*!< 3x3 approximation of the 2nd derivation */ kernelLaplace5x5, /*!< 5x5 approximation of the 2nd derivation */ kernelCustom /*!< used for all other user defined kernels */ }; /// create ConvolutionOp object with a fixed predefined filter type /** @param eKernel determines the filter type (kernelCustom is not allowed here!) */ explicit ConvolutionOp(kernel eKernel); /// Default constructor ConvolutionOp(); /// Creates a ConvolutionOp object with the given custom kernel /** Create an instance of the ConvolutionOp object, which uses the given kernel. If the parameter bBufferData is given, the kernel data is internally buffered both as float and as an int array (if possible). If the kernel should not be buffered, the pointer to the kernel data is stored directly. In this case it is assumed, that the pointer stays valid as long as apply() is called. The ownership for pfKernel is not transfered to the ConvolutionOp object, rather the owner is responsible to release this pointer properly. @param pfKernel convolution kernel data @param size kernel mask size @param bBufferData flag that indicates, if given data should be buffered internally. By default given data will be buffered. */ ConvolutionOp(icl32f *pfKernel, const Size& size, bool bBufferData=true); /// Creates a ConvolutionOp object with the given custom kernel /** This constructor behaves essentially like the above one. Additionally to the kernel mask itself, a normalization factor is needed. The is used to normalize the scalar product of kernel and image mask. Usually it is the sum of purely possitive kernel entries or it equals 1. @param piKernel convolution kernel data @param size kernel mask size @param bBufferData flag that indicates, if given data should be buffered internally. By default given data will be buffered. @param iNormFactor The NormFactor (Defaultvalue :1) */ ConvolutionOp(int *piKernel, const Size& size, int iNormFactor=1, bool bBufferData=true); /// Destructor ~ConvolutionOp(); /// performs the convolution operation on the image /** The destination image is automatically set up to correct size and its channel count is set to the source images channel count. @param poSrc source image @param ppoDst destination image */ void apply(const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase **ppoDst); /// performs the convolution operation on the image /** The destination image must match the depth of the source image. All other parameters, i.e. size, \#channels, etc., is automatically set up w.r.t. the source image. @param poSrc source image @param poDst destination image */ void apply(const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); /// change kernel void setKernel (kernel eKernel); /// change kernel (and/or normalization factor) void setKernel (int *piKernel, const Size& size, int iNormFactor=1, bool bBufferData=true); /// change kernel void setKernel (icl32f *pfKernel, const Size& size, bool bBufferData=true); /// retrieve kernel pointer template const KernelT* const getKernel() const; NeighborhoodOp::setClipToROI; NeighborhoodOp::setCheckOnly; private: /// internal storage for the sobel-x filter kernels static int KERNEL_SOBEL_X_3x3[10], KERNEL_SOBEL_X_5x5[26]; /// internal storage for the sobel-y filter kernels static int KERNEL_SOBEL_Y_3x3[10], KERNEL_SOBEL_Y_5x5[26]; /// internal storage for the gauss filter kernels static int KERNEL_GAUSS_3x3[10], KERNEL_GAUSS_5x5[26]; /// internal storage for the Laplace filter kernels static int KERNEL_LAPLACE_3x3[10], KERNEL_LAPLACE_5x5[26]; /// storage of the kernel data float *pfKernel; /// storage of the kernel data int *piKernel; int iNormFactor; // normalization factor for integer kernel /// indicates that data is buffered bool m_bBuffered; /// kernel type kernel m_eKernel; depth m_eKernelDepth; /// checks whether float array can be interpreted as int bool isConvertableToInt (float *pfData, int iLen); /// copy external int kernel to internal float buffer void copyIntToFloatKernel (int iDim); /// make major changes for both setKernel() versions void cleanupKernels (depth newDepth, const Size& size, bool bBufferData); /// create kernel buffers void bufferKernel (float *pfKernel); void bufferKernel (int *piKernel); /// release kernel buffers void releaseBuffers (); /// array of image-type selective convolution methods (assigned during setKernel calls) void (ConvolutionOp::*aMethods[depthLast+1])(const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); /// static array of image- and kernel-type selective generic convolution methods static void (ConvolutionOp::*aGenericMethods[depthLast+1][2])(const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); #ifdef WITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION template void ippGenericConvIntKernel (const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); template void ippGenericConvFloatKernel (const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); template void ippFixedConv (const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); template void ippFixedConvMask (const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); /// function pointers for ipp fixed convolution, with and without mask size parameter #define ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(T) \ IppStatus (IPP_DECL *pFixed ## T)(const Ipp ## T* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp ## T* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize); \ IppStatus (IPP_DECL *pFixedMask ## T)(const Ipp ## T* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp ## T* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, IppiMaskSize mask); ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(8u) ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(16s) ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH(32f) #undef ICL_INSTANTIATE_DEPTH template IppStatus (IPP_DECL *getIppFixedMethod() const)(const T*, int, T*, int, IppiSize); template IppStatus (IPP_DECL *getIppFixedMaskMethod() const)(const T*, int, T*, int, IppiSize, IppiMaskSize); /// set ipp methods for fixed kernels void setIPPFixedMethods(kernel); #endif // IPP available template void cGenericConv (const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst); /// initMethods initializes method array aMethods with dummyConvMethod void initMethods (); void dummyConvMethod (const ImgBase *poSrc, ImgBase *poDst) { (void)poSrc; (void)poDst; } }; template<> inline const int* const ConvolutionOp::getKernel() const {return piKernel;} template<> inline const float* const ConvolutionOp::getKernel() const {return pfKernel;} } #endif