#ifndef RANGE_H #define RANGE_H #include "iclCore.h" namespace icl{ /// class representing a range defined by min and max value template struct Range{ virtual ~Range(){} /// create an empty range (min = max = 0) Range():minVal(Type(0)),maxVal(Type(0)){} /// create a special Rage Range(Type minVal, Type maxVal): minVal(minVal), maxVal(maxVal){} /// minimum value of this range Type minVal; /// maximum value of this range Type maxVal; /// return max-min Type getLength() const { return maxVal - minVal; } /// casts this range into another depth template const Range castTo() const{ return Range(Cast::cast(minVal),Cast::cast(maxVal)); } /// tests whether a given value is inside of this range virtual bool in(Type value) const { return value >= minVal && value <= maxVal; } }; } #endif