#ifndef REGIONBASEDBLOBSEARCHER_H #define REGIONBASEDBLOBSEARCHER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ class Converter; //!< converts images class ImgRegionDetector; //!< seaches connected regions /// Class to detect a set of blobs in an image using a region based approach /** The basic idea of the ReagionBasedBlobSearcher (RBBS) is simple: - create an Image where the homogenous segments comply supposed blobs - extract all image regions (with pixel-precision) into a list of regions - remove all regions/blobs, which params (size, value, ...) do not match to the searched blobs - provide access to feature lists of all blobs. Most of the access functions are provided in two flawors: a so called Plain Old Data flavor (functions with POD postfix provide blob information in POD types) and default flavor (e.g. using Rect and Point structs ). The POD functions will be helpful for Frameworks like TDI and NEO;


The above description poses three quetions: -# How can we create a feature map ? -# How can we reject bad regions ? -# How can we handle all that together ?

How can we create a feature map and How can we reject bad regions

The RegionBasedBlobSearcher (RBBS) provides an interface for adding and removing so called FMCreators (see FMCreator). Each of this objects can tell the parent RBBS which certain image format and size it needs to create a new feature map. In addition the FMCreator offers an own so called RegionFilter, which is another user-definable class interface. Each region, extracted from the freature map of the FMCreator by the RBBS, is given to the corresponding RegionFilter to decide if the regions has to be accepted or rejected. Some RegionFilters are able to decide this only by some the simple features: x-position, y-position and value of the region; Other will additionally factor in so advanced features: The Regions bounding box and the regions major axis' and arcs.

How can we handle all that together

The RegionBasedBlobSearcher (RBBS) provides an easy-to-use interface to tackle all the above mentioned mechanisms. To allow inexperienced users a quick entrance, the member function addDefaultFMCreator(..) can be used to add a simple color map based FMCreator-object.

POD and not POD Functions

Since revision 544, all getCenters(..), etc. function are available with and without "POD" (Plain Old Data) postfix. If lower revisions, only the "POD"-function signatures were available (but without a POSTFIX). Although the interface of the RegionBasedBlobSearcher has changed a little, the Internal data handling and storagement has been completely redisigned. This had become necessary as the data manangement of the wrapped ImgRegionDetector has been adapted in an earlier revision update. \n Internally, the data is stored in "not-POD" structures (Point,Rect and PCAInfo), so the PODFunctions' performance has been slowed down.\n The POD-Functions are provided for Frameworks as Neo/NST or TDI: The Unit/Module interfaces can handle POD-Data natively.

Performance Hints

since revision 567 all function have been optimized in that way, that image-regions are extracted only once. **/ class RegionBasedBlobSearcher{ public: /// Internal used struct to associate FMCreator and RegionFilters struct Plugin{ /// Constructor /** @param fmc FMCreator* of this Plugin @param rf RegionFilter *of this Plugin **/ Plugin(FMCreator *fmc=0,RegionFilter *rf=0) : fmc(fmc),rf(rf){} /// Wrapped FMCreator pointer FMCreator *fmc; /// Wrapped RegionFitler pointer RegionFilter *rf; }; /// Create a new RegionBasedBlobSearcher without any FMCreator RegionBasedBlobSearcher(); /// Destructor (delets all contained FMCreators) ~RegionBasedBlobSearcher(); /// Main Working function (internally invokes the ImgRegionDetector) /** When this function is called, the wrapped ImgRegionDetector is invoked to detect all image regions. The result is stored in an internal list of RegionDetectorBlobs. All following calles to access blob information work on this result list. The Region- DetectorBlob is optimized to perform as less calculations as possible. So all high level blob features are calculated when the corresponding getter function is called. @param image input image: further getter called refer to the blobs that were detected in this image until set image is called again. **/ void extractRegions(const ImgBase *image); /// access a list of center of gravities /** @return "xyxyxy"- ordered int Array containing the data **/ const Array &getCOGsPOD(); /// access a list of center of gravities /** @return Array of blob center positions **/ const Array &getCOGs(); /// access to bounding boxes /** This function produces resuls only for RegionFilters that use the "special-features". @return "xywh,xywh,.."-ordered int Array containing data **/ const Array &getBoundingBoxesPOD(); /// access to bounding boxes /** This function produces resuls only for RegionFilters that use the "special-features". @return Array of blobs bounding boxes **/ const Array &getBoundingBoxes(); /// Access to pca information /** Data order is [axis1-length, axis2-length, axis1-angle, axis2-angle, ...] @return ordered array of float with local pca information */ const Array &getPCAInfoPOD(); /// extract pca info /** @return Array of the found blobs PCA-Information */ const Array &getPCAInfo(); /// Extract an Array of boundary pixel arrays /** Array of Array if pixels (xyxyxy...-order) */ const Array > &getBoundariesPOD(); /// Extract an Array of boundary pixel arrays /** @return Array of Array of Pixels */ const Array > &getBoundaries(); /// Extract an Array of detected blobs boundary lengths /** This funtion is in POD-style, so no non-POD function is available @return Array of boundary pixle counts **/ const Array &getBoundaryLengthsPOD(); /// Extract an Array of detected blobs form-factors (see BlobData) /** This funtion is in POD-style, so no non-POD function is available @return Array of Form-Factors **/ const Array &getFormFactorsPOD(); /// Extract an array of detected blob data pointers /** The returned blobdata can be used to access all blob available blob features @return const array of internal used blob data Pointers */ const Array &getBlobData(); /// add new FMCreator and associated RegionFilter /** ownership is passed to the RegionBasedBlobSearcher @param fmc new FMCreator to add @param rf new RegionFilter to add */ void add(FMCreator* fmc, RegionFilter *rf); /// remove FMCreator/RegionFitler tuple by given FMCreator /** @param fmc FMCrator* to identify the FMCreator/RegionFilter tuple to remove @param release decides whether to release the removed FMCreator and RegionFilter **/ void remove(FMCreator *fmc, bool release=true); /// remove FMCreator/RegionFitler tuple by given Regionfilter /** @param rf RegionFilter* to identify the FMCreator/RegionFilter tuple to remove @param release decides whether to release the removed FMCreator and RegionFilter **/ void remove(RegionFilter *rf, bool release=true); /// access a FMCreator/RegionFilter struct by FMCreator identifier /** @param fmc FMCreator of the tuple @return tuple of FMCreator/Region filter or NULL/NULL tuple if the given FMCreator was not found **/ Plugin getPlugin(FMCreator *fmc); /// access a FMCreator/RegionFilter struct by RegionFilter identifier /** @param rf RegionFilter of the tuple @return tuple of FMCreator/Region filter or NULL/NULL tuple if the given RegionFilter was not found **/ Plugin getPlugin(RegionFilter *rf); /// removes all FMCreators /** the objects are deleted, as the owner is the RegionBasedBlobSearcher @param release decides whether to release the removed FMCreator/RegionFilter tuples or not **/ void removeAll(bool realease=true); private: /// returns the current input image in the given format and size Img8u *getImage(const Size &size, format fmt, const ImgBase *inputImage); /// used converter intstance Converter *m_poConverter; /// internally used type def for the "format-map" typedef std::map fmtmap; /// compare function object (for creating a map with a size key) struct lessSize { bool operator()(const icl::Size& lhs, const icl::Size& rhs) const { return lhs.width < rhs.width && lhs.height < rhs.height; }}; /// internally used type def for the "format-size-map" typedef std::map sizemap; ///map of maps containing converted images sizemap m_mmImages; /// Array of all currently hold FMCreators and corresponding RegionFilters Array m_oFMRF; /// Wrapped ImgRegionDetector ImgRegionDetector *m_poRD; /// Internal buffer of all FMCreators' calculated blob centers Array > m_oCenters; /// Internal buffer of all FMCreators' calculated blob bounding boxes Array > m_oBBs; /// Internal buffer of all FMCreators' calculated blob PCAInfos Array > m_oPCAInfos; /// Output buffer for blob centers Array m_oCOGsOut; /// Output buffer for blob bounding boxes Array m_oBBsOut; /// Output buffer for blob PCA-Infos Array m_oPCAInfosOut; Array > m_oBoundariesOut; /// POD-Output buffer for blob centers Array m_oCOGsOutPOD; /// POD-Output buffer for blob bounding boxes Array m_oBBsOutPOD; /// POD-Output buffer for blob PCA-Infos Array m_oPCAInfosOutPOD; Array > m_oBoundariesPOD; Array m_oBoundaryLengthsPOD; Array m_oFormFactorsPOD; Array m_oInternalData; struct FF{ FF(float f1=0, float f2=0): f1(f1),f2(f2){} float f1,f2; }; Array m_oScaleFactors; /// Currently set input image ImgBase *m_poInputImage; }; } #endif