#include #include namespace icl{ /// Tool for benchmarking method calls /** The stack timer class is an Extension of the Timer class, that provides very convenient function benchmarking functionality. The only thing, a programmer needs to do, is to write the Macro BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION at the beginning of the function(s), that should be benchmarked. The underlying implementation will then record each function call and execution time. At the end of the programm, the implicitly crated StackTimerNotifier will print the following information about the benchmarked function: - execution count - overall execution time - average execution time - minimun execution time - maximum execution time - the function name (nice, isn't it) See also the following example:
      void funcion1(...){
      void funcion2(...){
At the end of the programm, the following info could be given to you:
      calls[     361]  time[ 77.7 ms]  avg[  215 ns]  min[  183 ns]  max[  5.2 ms] {function1}
      calls[     361]  time[  1.7 ms]  avg[    4 ns]  min[    4 ns]  max[   51 ns] {function2}
} */ class StackTimer{ public: /// StackTimerNotifier constructor, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead class StackTimerNotifier{ public: StackTimerNotifier(const char* functionname, bool writeCounts=true, bool writeAvg=true, bool writeMin=true, bool writeMax=true){ m_bWriteCounts = writeCounts; m_bWriteAvg = writeAvg; m_bWriteMin = writeMin; m_bWriteMax = writeMax; m_liCount = 0; m_liTime = 0; m_sFunctionName = functionname; m_liMaxTime = 0; m_liMinTime = 2<<29; } std::string getTimeStr(long int l){ static char acBuf[100]; if(l>1000000){ sprintf(acBuf,"%3ld.%1ld s",l/1000000,l/100000-10*(l/1000000)); }else if(l>1000){ sprintf(acBuf,"%3ld.%1ld ms",l/1000,l/100-10*(l/1000)); }else{ sprintf(acBuf," %3ld ns",l); } return std::string(acBuf); } /// StackTimerNotifier destructor, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead ~StackTimerNotifier(){ if(m_bWriteCounts){ printf("calls[%8ld] ",m_liCount); } printf("time[%s] ",getTimeStr(m_liTime).c_str()); if(m_bWriteAvg){ printf("avg[%s] ",getTimeStr(m_liTime/m_liCount).c_str()); } if(m_bWriteMin){ printf("min[%s] ",getTimeStr(m_liMinTime).c_str()); } if(m_bWriteMax){ printf("max[%s] ",getTimeStr(m_liMaxTime).c_str()); } printf("{%s}\n",m_sFunctionName.c_str()); } /// increments the execution counter, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead void incCount(){ m_liCount++; } /// adds execution time, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead void incTime(long int dt){ m_liTime+=dt; m_liMinTime = std::min(dt,m_liMinTime); m_liMaxTime = std::max(dt,m_liMaxTime); } private: long int m_liCount; long int m_liTime; long int m_liMaxTime; long int m_liMinTime; std::string m_sFunctionName; bool m_bWriteCounts; bool m_bWriteAvg; bool m_bWriteMin; bool m_bWriteMax; }; /// StackTimer constructor, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead StackTimer(StackTimerNotifier *notifier){ m_poTimer = new Timer(1);//1=ns m_poNotifier = notifier; notifier->incCount(); m_poTimer->start(); } /// StackTimerNotifier destructor, USE BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION-MACRO instead ~StackTimer(){ m_poNotifier->incTime(m_poTimer->stopSilent()); delete m_poTimer; } private: Timer *m_poTimer; StackTimerNotifier* m_poNotifier; }; #define BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION \ static StackTimer::StackTimerNotifier __notifier(__FUNCTION__); \ StackTimer __stacktimer(&__notifier); #define BENCHMARK_THIS_FUNCTION_LITE \ static StackTimer::StackTimerNotifier __notifier(__FUNCTION__,0,0,0,0); \ StackTimer __stacktimer(&__notifier); }