#include #include #ifndef ICLAUTOPTR_H #define ICLAUTOPTR_H namespace icl{ /// AutoPtr class used for channel management /** The operation of the SmartPtr class is copied from the previously used boost/shared_ptr template class. This re-implementation makes the ICLCore (and depending packages) independent from the boost headers. Important: The data of a SmartPtr is released using delete []. Take care, that data given to the SmartPtr is created with new T[count] - particularly single objects on the heep must be created with new T[1]. delete []-calls on pointers allocated with new or malloc will cause memory corruptions.

How a SmartPtr works

In contrast with the auto pointers provided by the stdlib an SmartPtr has an internal reference counter, which is used to care about the deletion of the hold reference. The following example shows how to use the SmartPtr class.
      class MyClass{...};
      typedef SmartPtr aptr_t;

      //create an array of empty auto pointers
      aptr_t array[100];

      // fill up the first element of the array with a reference 
      // (of type MyClass*) 
      array[0] = aptr_t(new MyClass[1]); // do _N_O_T_ use non-array-constructors!!

      // fill the other elements of the array with the 
      // SAME reference
      for(int i=1;i<100;i++)

      // ok! now the reference counter has been set to 100, as
      // 100 auto pointers are sharing the same reference now
      // --> lets delete them one by another, excluding the last one
      for(int i=0;i<99;i++)

      // now the reference counter of array[99] is 1, if it
      // is deleted, the hold element is deleted also
      array[99] = aptr_t();
*/ template class SmartPtr { private: T *e; /**< corresponding data element */ int *c; /**< reference counters */ bool d; /**< deletion flag (indicates if the hold data must be deleted) */ /// save reference counter increment void inc() { if(c) (*c)++; } /// save reference counter decrement (cleanup on demand) void dec() { if(c && *c) { if ( --(*c) == 0) { if(d) delete[] e; delete c; } } } /// sets e and c void set(T *e,int *c, bool d) { this->e=e; this->c=c; this->d=d; } public: /// e and c will become NULL SmartPtr(): e(0),c(0),d(0){} /// ptData is given, reference counter is set to 1 SmartPtr(T *ptData, bool bOwn=true): e(ptData), c(new int(1)),d(bOwn){} /// e and c is copied from r, reference counter is increased by 1 SmartPtr(const SmartPtr& r): e(r.e), c(r.c), d(r.d){ inc(); } /// sets the pointer to hold another reference /** If the new reference r.e is identical to the current reference, nothing is done at all. Else, the current reference counter is decreased by 1, if it becomes NULL, the hold reference is deleted. Following, the current reference and reference counter is copied from the given r. At the end, the copied reference counter is increased by 1. */ SmartPtr &operator=(const SmartPtr& r) { if(r.e == e) return *this; dec(); set(r.e,r.c,r.d); inc(); return *this; } /// decreases the reference counter (cleanup on demand) ~SmartPtr() { dec(); } /// returns a reference of the currently hold element /** If the element pointer is null, an error will terminate the program with -1; */ T &operator* () const { ICLASSERT(e); return *e; } /// returns the pointer to the data /** If the element pointer is null, an error will terminate the program with -1; */ T* get () const { return e; } /// returns the currently hold element /** If the element pointer is null, an error will terminate the program with -1; */ T *operator-> () const { ICLASSERT(e); return e; } /// this may be used to check if * or -> operator may be used operator bool() const { return (e == 0); } /// current reference count int use_count() const { return c ? *c : 0; } }; } #undef ICL_AUTO_PTR_ASSERT #endif