#include #include #ifndef ICL_DRAW_WIDGET_H #define ICL_DRAW_WIDGET_H namespace icl{ class GLPaintEngine; class ImgBase; /// Extended Image visualization widget, with a drawing state machine interface /** The ICLDrawWidget can be used to draw annotation on images in real time. It provides the ability for translating draw command given in image coordinations with respect to the currently used image scaling type (hold-ar, no-scaling or fit to widget) and to the currently used widget size.

Drawing-State machine

Like other drawing state machines, like the QPainter or OpenGL, the ICLDrawWidget can be used for drawing 2D-primitives step by step into the frame-buffer using OpenGL hardware acceleration. Each implementation of drawing function should contain the following steps.

    drawWidget->setImage(..);  /// sets up a new background image 
    drawWidget.lock();   /// locks the draw widget against the drawing loop
    drawWidget.reset();  /// deletes all further draw commands
    ... draw commands ...

    drawWidget->unlock();   /// enable the widget to be drawed

DrawEngine Interface

By the introduction of the PaintEngine interface we got an additional abstraction layer that generalizes drawing commands like lines, rects, circles and images without regarding the underlying drawing mechanism like X11, DirectDraw or OpenGL. */ class ICLDrawWidget : public ICLWidget { public: /// enum used for specification of predefined symbols enum Sym {symRect,symCross,symPlus,symTriangle,symCircle}; /// creates a new ICLDrawWidget embedded into the parent component ICLDrawWidget(QWidget *parent); virtual ~ICLDrawWidget(){} /// locks the state machine /** The state machine collects all draw commands in a command queue internally. The access to this command queue must be locked, as push operations on this queue are implemented not thread safe. The command queue is also used by the internal drawing mechanism, which translates the stored commands into appropriate OpenGL commands. Do not forget to call unlock after performing all drawing commands. */ void lock(){m_oCommandMutex.lock();} /// unlocks the draw command queue ( so it can be drawn by OpenGL ) void unlock(){m_oCommandMutex.unlock();} /// sets up the state machine to treat coordinates in the image pixel coordinate system /** the visualization space is x={0..w-1} and y={0..h-1}*/ void abs(); /// sets up the state machine to receive relative coordinates in range [0,1] void rel(); /// draws an image into the given rectangle /** The image is copied by the state machine to ensure, that the data is persistent when the draw command is passed to the underlying PaintEngine. Otherwise, it would not be possible to ensure, that the set image data that is drawn is not changed elsewhere */ void image(ImgBase *image, float x, float y, float w, float h); /// draws a string into the given rect void text(std::string text, float x, float y, float w=-1, float h=-1); /// draws a point at the given location void point(float x, float y); /// draws a line from point (x1,y1) to point (x2,y2) void line(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2); /// draws a rect with given parameters void rect(float x, float y, float w, float h); /// draws an ellipse with given parameters (w==H --> circle) void ellipse(float x, float y, float w, float h); /// draws a predefined symbol at the given location /** The symbols size can be set using symsize */ void sym(float x, float y, Sym s); /// sets the size for following "sym" draw commands void symsize(float w, float h=-1); // if h==-1, h = w; /// sets the draw state machines "edge"-color buffer to a given value /** Primitives except images are drawn with the currently set "color" and filled with the currently set "fill" alpha values of 0 disables the edge drawing at all */ void color(int r, int g, int b, int alpha = 255); /// set the draw state machines "fill"-color buffer to a given value /** Primitives except images are drawn with the currently set "color" and filled with the currently set "fill" alpha values of 0 disables the edge drawing at all */ void fill(int r, int g, int b, int alpha = 255); /// disables drawing edges void nocolor(); /// disables filling primitives void nofill(); /// fills the whole image area with the given color void clear(int r=0, int g=0, int b=0, int alpha = 255); /// clears the drawing command queue /** When drawing in a real-time systems working thread, do not forget to call reset before drawing a new frame */ void reset(); /// if no real image is available /** This function will use a black image of size s to be drawed in the background */ void setPseudoImage(Size s); /// this function can be reimplemented in derived classes to perform some custom drawing operations virtual void customPaintEvent(PaintEngine *e); /// this function can be reimplemented perform some custom initialization before the actual draw call virtual void initializeCustomPaintEvent(PaintEngine *e); /// this function can be reimplemented perform some custom initialization after the actual draw call virtual void finishCustomPaintEvent(PaintEngine *e); /// forward declaration of an internally used state class class State; /// forward declaration of the internally used DrawCommandClass class DrawCommand; protected: /// draw command event queue std::vector m_vecCommands; /// Data of the "State Machine" State *m_poState; /// Mutex for a thread save event queue QMutex m_oCommandMutex; }; } #endif