/* VQ.h Written by: Michael Götting and Christof Elbrechter (2007) University of Bielefeld AG Neuroinformatik {mgoettin,celbrech}@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de */ #ifndef VQ_H #define VQ_H #include "iclImg.h" #include "iclInterleaved.h" #include namespace icl { enum vqinitmode { initRnd = 0, initRndFromData, initSeqFromData }; struct _ClProp { unsigned int uiClSize; float fMean; float fIntraVar; float fInterVar; float fCentroX; float fCentroY; float pixSum; }; template class U> class VQ : public Img { public: // Constructor/ Destructor VQ(const ImgBase *pSrc, float fLearnRate=0.01); VQ(unsigned int uiVQDim, float fLearnRate=0.01); virtual ~VQ(); // operator T* operator[](int i) { return m_vecRefDataPtr[i]; } // Variable deklaration U *m_poData; /// The abstract information orientation // Variable deklaration for the reference data std::vector m_vecRefDataPtr; /// The first element of each data set unsigned int m_uiSrcDim; /// The dimension of the src data (w*h) // Variable deklaration for the VQ cluster float m_fLearnRate; /// The learning rate of the VQ std::vector > m_vecCluster; /// The VQ cluster data std::vector<_ClProp> m_vecClusterInfo; unsigned int m_uiVQDim; /// The cluster vector dimension unsigned int m_uiCenter; /// The number of VQ centers unsigned int m_uiMaxTrainSteps; /// The maximum training steps bool m_bClusterIsInitialized, m_bDeepCopyData; // Set functions void setLearnRate(float fLearnRate) { m_fLearnRate = fLearnRate; } // Get functions float getLearnRate() { return m_fLearnRate; } std::vector<_ClProp> getClusterInfo() { return m_vecClusterInfo; } // cluster functions void createCluster(unsigned int uiCenter); void resizeCluster(unsigned int uiCenter); void clearCluster(); // cluster initialization methods void initClusterFromSrc(const ImgBase *poSrc, vqinitmode eMode, unsigned int uiStart=0); // cluster algorithms void vq(const ImgBase *poSrc, unsigned int uiDataIdx); void lbg(); // distance algorithms unsigned int nn(unsigned int uiDataIdx, float &fMinDist); ImgBase* wta(bool bInking=false, ImgBase **dstImg=0); // helper functions void printCluster(); float discriminantAnalysis(const ImgBase* clusterImg); void clearClusterInfo(); }; // class VQ } // namespace #endif