#include #include #ifndef ICLPWCGRABBER_H #define ICLPWCGRABBER_H namespace icl{ /// Camera Grabber for Phillips Webcams /** The PWCGrabber provides basic abilities for grabbing images from Phillips USB Webcams (that are using the PWC Kernel module). The Grabber will create an internal grabber thread, that grabs continously images into an internal ring-buffer. This will not slow down the processor performance much, as the grabber thread sleeps during that time, that is needed to transfer each single frame from the camera. The transfer uses dma (direct memory access) for best performance (i think). The received frames have the "YUV-420" format, which means, that the color channels U and V each have half X and half Y resolution as the Y-channel. The transformation from the YUV-420 format is not a default part of the iclcc color conversion function, because it deals with images, that are composed of channels with different sizes. A dedicated conversion function: convertYUV420ToRGB8 which is IPP- optimized if the WITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION flag is defined, is used instead. ICLs color conversion routines do not support conversion from any to to any format, so not all destination formats are supported directly. Directly supported formats are: - formatRGB with depth8u In this case convertYUV420ToRGB8 is used to convert directly into the output buffer image. - formatYUV in this case no color conversion is necessary. The output data buffer is just filled with: a copy of the Y-channel, and a scaled copy of the U/V channel. This time, if the destination image has another then one of this formats, the conversion result is buffered into an internal buffer image with formatRGB and depth8u, followed by a conversion call from the buffer into the destination image using the Converter. @see Converter */ class PWCGrabber : public Grabber { public: /// Base constructor PWCGrabber(void); PWCGrabber(const Size &s, float fFps=30, int iDevice = 0); // Deprecated contstructor: use the default contructor instead and call init(..) to get initialization results /// Destructor ~PWCGrabber(void); /// init function /** initializes a camera on /dev/video\. be sure that you call init(..) and init(..) returns true before calling grab(..) @param s size of grabbed images @param fFps grabbing rate @param iDevice USB grabbing device {0,1,2,3} **/ bool init(const Size &s,float fFps=30, int iDevice = 0); /// grabbing function, /** grabs the next pwc image into an internal buffer, and converts it into the format of poDst. If poDst has depth8u and formatRGB, then, the image data is directly converted from the PWC-"mbuf" into the destination images data. @param poDst destination image. If it has formatMatrix, than it will be converted to formatRGB for best performance. **/ virtual const ImgBase* grab(ImgBase *poDst=0); bool restoreUserSettings(); bool saveUserSettings(); bool setGain(signed int iGainValue); /// sets for whitebalance mode /** possible modes are 0 indoor 1 outdoor 2 "fl-tube" 3 manual 4 auto */ bool setWhiteBalance(int mode, int manual_red, int manual_blue); private: int m_iWidth, m_iHeight, m_iDevice; float m_fFps; Img8u *m_poRGB8Image; Converter m_oConverter,m_oConverterHalfSize; }; } #endif