#include #ifndef OP_ROI_HANDLER_H #define OP_ROI_HANDLER_H namespace icl { /// Utility base class for Image Operators /** The OpROIHandler class builds a utility base class for ICL unary and binary operator classes. Each Operator is performed on the ROI of the source image(s) only. The destination image is always adapted in its parameters to the necessary values. We distinguish the following modes: - Adapt the destination image in its size and ROI to the source image. Hence the destination will have the same size and ROI as the source image. Nevertheless the operator is applied on the ROI only, leaving the previous content of the destination image unchanged in this border region. So this mode requires subsequent handling of the border.(bClipToROI = false)
       source image    destination-image   
        xxxxxxxxx        xxxxxxxxx
        xxxx....x        xxxx....x
        xxxx....x   -->  xxxx....x
        xxxx....x        xxxx....x
- Adapt the destination images size, such that it exactly comprises the ROI of the source image. (bClipToROI = true)
       source image    destination-image   
        xxxx....x        ....
        xxxx....x   -->  ....
        xxxx....x        ....
- Only check the destination images parameters and issue a warning if not set correctly already. In this case the filter operation itself should not be performed. (bCheckOnly = true) To this end the Filter class provides variables m_bCheck and m_bClipToROI accessible by setter and getter functions as well as several version of the prepare() methods which checks and adapts the destination image if neccessary. */ class OpROIHandler { public: virtual ~OpROIHandler(){} private: friend class UnaryOp; friend class BinaryOp; /// change adaption of destination image (see class description) void setClipToROI (bool bClipToROI) {this->m_bClipToROI = bClipToROI;} void setCheckOnly (bool bCheckOnly) {this->m_bCheckOnly = bCheckOnly;} bool getClipToROI() const { return m_bClipToROI; } bool getCheckOnly() const { return m_bCheckOnly; } /// Filter is a base class for other classes and should be instantiated OpROIHandler() : m_bClipToROI (true), m_bCheckOnly (false) {} /// check+adapt destination images parameters against given values /// bCheckOnly mode ignores the given imgSize bool prepare (ImgBase **ppoDst, depth eDepth, const Size &imgSize, format eFormat, int nChannels, const Rect& roi, Time timestamp=Time::null); /// check+adapt destination image to properties of given source image virtual bool prepare (ImgBase **ppoDst, const ImgBase *poSrc) { return prepare (ppoDst, poSrc->getDepth(), chooseSize (poSrc), poSrc->getFormat(), poSrc->getChannels (), chooseROI (poSrc), poSrc->getTime()); } /// check+adapt destination image to properties of given source image /// but use explicitly given depth virtual bool prepare (ImgBase **ppoDst, const ImgBase *poSrc, depth eDepth) { return prepare (ppoDst, eDepth, chooseSize (poSrc), poSrc->getFormat(), poSrc->getChannels (), chooseROI (poSrc), poSrc->getTime()); } /// return to-be-used image size depending on bClipToROI const Size chooseSize (const ImgBase *poSrc) { return m_bClipToROI ? poSrc->getROISize () : poSrc->getSize (); } /// return to-be-used ROI depending on bClipToROI const Rect chooseROI (const ImgBase *poSrc) { return m_bClipToROI ? Rect (Point::null, poSrc->getROISize ()) : poSrc->getROI(); } bool m_bClipToROI, m_bCheckOnly; }; } #endif