#include #include #include #ifndef INTEGRALIMG_OP_H #define INTEGRALIMG_OP_H namespace icl{ /// class for creating integral images /** The integral image A of an image a (introduced by Viola & Jones (2001) in the paper : "Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features" ) defined as follows: \f[ A(i,j) = \sum\limits_{x=0}^i \sum\limits_{y=0}^j a(i,j) \f] It can be calculated incrementally using the following equation: \f[ A(i,j) = a(i,j)+A(i-1,j)+A(i,j-1)-A(i-1,j-1) \f]


    X = src(x) + A + B - C


Other definitions

There are alternative definitions (like the ipp): \f[ A(i,j) = \sum\limits_{x=0}^{i-1} \sum\limits_{y=0}^{j-1} a(i,j) \f] From this it follows, that the first integral image row and colum is filled with zeros and the internal image grows by one pixel in each dimension, with the benefit of some better usability of the result image. We use the above definition, which is a bit more convenient for the most common applications in our sight.

functions and borders

The provided functions offer the ability for the definition of an optional borderSize parameter, which is 0 by default. If it is set, The result image is enfolded with a border. The border pixels are filled with values as if the result image would be 0 there. More precisely, upper and left border pixels are set to zero and lower and right border pixels are a copy of the nearest real pixel like a replicated border. An application of the border-mechanism is the local threshold algorithm.

Supported Type-Combinations

The templates are instantiated for: - Img8u -> int (IPP-OPTIMIZED) - Img8u -> icl32f (IPP-OPTIMIZED) - Img32f -> icl32f


The calculation is very fast! The IPP is about twice as fast as the C++ code. As Example: Img8u 640x480, 1-channel, borderSize = 10, 1.4MHz Centrino: - no ipp: approx. 4.4ms (inclusive memory allocation!!) - with ipp: approx. 2.8ms (inclusive memory allocation!!) The fallback implementations performance could be optimized by using the algorithm proposed by Viola & Jones: first step: percalculate a row-sum image \f[ s(x,y) = s(x-1,y) + a(x,y) \;\;with\; s(-1,y)=0 \f] second step: calculate the integral image \f[ A(x,y) = s(x-1,y) + A(x,y-1) \;\;with\; A(x,-1)=0 \f] But since it is a fallback implementation, this optimization is not yet implemented */ class IntegralImgOp : public UnaryOp{ public: IntegralImgOp(unsigned int borderSize=0, depth integralImageDepth=depth32f); void setBorderSize(unsigned int borderSize); void setIntegralImageDepth(depth integralImageDepth); unsigned int getBorderSize() const; depth getIntegralImageDepth() const; void apply(const ImgBase *posrc, ImgBase **ppoDst); /// creates a set of integral image channels from a given image template static Img *create(const Img *image,unsigned int borderSize=0, Img *integralImage=0); private: unsigned int m_uiBorderSize; depth m_eIntegralImageDepth; }; } #endif