#include #ifndef ICL_POINT_H #define ICL_POINT_H namespace icl{ #ifndef WITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION /// fallback implementation for the IppiPoint struct, defined in the ippi libb struct IppiPoint { /// xpos int x; /// ypos int y; }; #else #endif /// Point class of the ICL used e.g. for the Images ROI offset class Point : public IppiPoint{ public: /// null Point is x=0, y=0 static const Point null; /// deep copy of a Point Point(const Point& p=null){ this->x = p.x; this->y = p.y; } /// create a special point Point(int x,int y){this->x = x;this->y = y;} /// checks wether the object instance is null, i.e. all elements are zero bool isNull() const { return (*this)==null; } /// checks if two points are equal bool operator==(const Point &s) const {return x==s.x && y==s.y;} /// checks if two points are not equal bool operator!=(const Point &s) const {return x!=s.x || y!=s.y;} /// adds two Points as vectors Point operator+(const Point &s) const {return Point(x+s.x,y+s.y);} /// substracts two Points as vectors Point operator-(const Point &s) const {return Point(x+s.x,y+s.y);} /// scales a Points variables with a scalar value Point operator*(double d) const { return Point((int)(d*x),(int)(d*y));} /// Adds another Point inplace Point& operator+=(const Point &s){x+=s.x; y+=s.y; return *this;} /// Substacts another Point inplace Point& operator-=(const Point &s){x-=s.x; y-=s.y; return *this;} /// scales the Point inplace with a scalar Point& operator*=(double d) {x=(int)((double)x*d); y=(int)((double)y*d); return *this;}; /// transforms the point by element-wise scaling Point transform(double xfac, double yfac) const{ return Point((int)(xfac*x),(int)(yfac*y)); } }; } // namespace icl #endif // ICLPOINT_H