#include #ifndef ICLITERATOR_H #define ICLITERATOR_H namespace icl{ /// Iterator class used to iterate over an Images (ROI-)pixels /** The ImgIterator is a utility to iterate line by line over all pixels of of an image. The following ASCII image shows an images ROI.
    1st pixel
  ....+->Xoooooooo......... ---
  .......ooooooooo.........  |
  .......ooooooooo......... iRoiH
  .......ooooooooo.........  |
  .......ooooooooo......... ---
For image operation like thresholding or filters, it is necessary perform calculation for each ROI- pixel. To achieve that, the programmer needs to Take care about: - xoffset - yoffset - step to jump if right border of the roi is reached (imageW-roiW). current x must be reset to the xoffset, and y must be increased by 1 - check of the last valid pixel position the following code example shows how to handle image ROIs using the ImgIterator
  void channel_threshold_inplace(Img8u &im, int iTetta, int iChannel)
      for(Img8u::iterator p=im.getROIIterator(c)  ; p.inRegion() ; p++)
          *p = *p > tetta ? 255 : 0;
The ImgIterator is defined in the Img as iterator. This offers an intuitive "stdlib-like" use.

Using the ImgIterator as ROW-iterator

The ImgIterator can be used as ROW-iterator too. The following example will explain usage:
  void copy_channel_roi_row_by_row(Img8u &src, Img8u &dst, int iChannel)
     for(Img8u::iterator s=src.getROIIterator(iChannel),
                         d=dst.getROIIterator(iChannel) ;
         s.inRegion() ; 
         d.incLine(), s.incLine())

Using Nested ImgIterators for Neighborhood operations

In addition to the above functionalities, ImgIterators can be used for arbitrary image neighborhood operations like convolution, median or erosion. The following example explains how to create so called sub-region iterators, that work on a symmetrical neighborhood around a higher level ImgIterator.
  void channel_convolution_3x3(Img32f &src, Img32f &dst,icl32f *pfMask, int iChannel)
     for(Img32f::iterator s=src.getROIIterator(iChannel) d=dst.getROIIterator() ; s.inRegion() ; s++,d++)
        icl32f *m = pfMask;
        (*d) = 0;
        for(Img32f::iterator sR(s, 3, 3); sR.inRegion(); sR++,m++)
           (*d) += (*sR) * (*m);
This code implements a single channel image convolution operation.


There are 3 major ways to access the pixel data of an image. - using the (x,y,channel) -operator - using the ImgIterator - working directly with the channel data Each method has its on advantages and disadvantages: - the (x,y,channel) operator is very intuitive and it can be used to write code whiches functionality is very transparent to other programmers. The disadvantages are: - no implicit ROI - support - very slow - the ImgIterator moves pixel-by-pixel, line-by-line over a single image channel. It is highly optimized for processing each pixel of an images ROI without respect to the particular pixel position in in the image. Its advantages are: - internal optimized ROI handling - direct access to sub-ROIS - fast (nearly 10 times faster then the (x,y,channel)-operator - the fastest way to process the image data is work directly with the data pointer received from image.getData(channel). In this case the programmer himself needs to take care about The images ROI. This is only recommended, if no ROI-support should be provided.

Performance:In Values

The following example shows use of the different techniques to set image data of a single channel image to a static value. (Times: 1.4Mhz Pentium-M machine with 512 MB-Ram, SuSe-Linux 9.3)
  // create a VERY large image
  int iW = 10000, iH=10000;
  Img8u im(iW,iH,1);

  // 1st working with the image data (time: ~210/360ms)
  // pointer style (~210ms)
  for(icl8u *p= im.getData(0), *d=p+iW*iH ; p
  Note Working directly on the image data, is fast for 
  algorithms that are not using the pixels position (x,y) or the
  images ROI.
  class ImgIterator {
    void init () {
       m_iLineStep = m_iImageWidth - m_ROISize.width + 1;
       m_ptDataEnd = m_ptDataCurr;
       if (m_ROISize.width > 0)
          m_ptDataEnd += m_ROISize.width + (m_ROISize.height-1) * m_iImageWidth;
       m_ptCurrLineEnd = m_ptDataCurr + m_ROISize.width - 1;

    /** Creates an ImgIterator object */
    /// Default Constructor
       m_ptDataCurr(0) {init();}
     /** 2nd Constructor creates an ImgIterator object with Type "Type"
         @param ptData pointer to the corresponding channel data
         @param iImageWidth width of the corresponding image
         @param roROI ROI rect for the iterator
    ImgIterator(Type *ptData,int iImageWidth,const Rect &roROI):
       m_ptDataCurr(ptData+roROI.x+roROI.y*iImageWidth) {init();}

    /// 3rd Constructor to create sub-regions of an Img-image
    /** This 3rd constructor creates a sub-region iterator, which may be
        used e.g. for arbitrary neighborhood operations like 
        linear filters, medians, ...
        See the ImgIterator description for more detail.        
        @param roOrigin reference to source Iterator Object
        @param s mask size
        @param a mask anchor

    ImgIterator(const ImgIterator &roOrigin, const Size &s, const Point &a):
       m_ptDataCurr(roOrigin.m_ptDataCurr - a.x - a.y*m_iImageWidth) {init();}
    /// retuns a reference of the current pixel value
    /** changes on *p (p is of type ImgIterator) will effect
        the image data       
    inline Type &operator*() const
          return *m_ptDataCurr;
    /// moves to the next iterator position (Prefix ++it)
    /** The image ROI will be scanned line by line
        beginning on the bottom left iterator.

           +-- begin here (index 0)
    .......012+-->+8<---------- first line wrap after 
    .......9++++++++.........   this pixel (index 8)
    .......++++++++X<---------- last valid pixel
    'I' is the first invalid iterator
    (p.inRegion() will become false)

In most cases The ++ operator will just increase the current x position and update the reference to the current pixel data. If the end of a line is reached, then the position is set to the beginning of the next line. */ inline ImgIterator& operator++() { if ( ICL_UNLIKELY(m_ptDataCurr == m_ptCurrLineEnd) ) { m_ptDataCurr += m_iLineStep; m_ptCurrLineEnd += m_iImageWidth; } else { m_ptDataCurr++; } return *this; } /** postfix operator++ (used -O3 to avoid loss of performace when using the "it++"-operator In most cases the "++it"-operator will ensure best performace. **/ inline const ImgIterator operator++(int) { ImgIterator current (*this); ++(*this); // call prefix operator return current; // return previous } /// to check if iterator is still inside the ROI /** @see operator++ */ inline bool inRegion() const { return m_ptDataCurr < m_ptDataEnd; } /// returns the length of each row processed by this iterator /** @return row length */ inline int getROIWidth() const { return m_ROISize.width; } inline int getROIHeight() const { return m_ROISize.height; } /// move the pixel vertically forward /** current x value is hold, the current y-value is incremented by iLines @param iLines amount of lines to jump over */ inline void incRow(int iLines=1) { m_ptDataCurr += iLines * m_iImageWidth; m_ptCurrLineEnd += iLines * m_iImageWidth; } /// returns the current x position of the iterator (image-coordinates) /** @return current x position*/ inline int x() { return (m_ptDataCurr-m_ptDataOrigin) % m_iImageWidth; } /// returns the current y position of the iterator (image-coordinates) /** @return current y position*/ inline int y() { return (m_ptDataCurr-m_ptDataOrigin) / m_iImageWidth; } private: /// corresponding images width int m_iImageWidth; /// ROI size of the iterator Size m_ROISize; /// result of m_iImageWidth - m_iROIWidth int m_iLineStep; /// pointer to the image data pointer (bottom left pixel) Type *m_ptDataOrigin; /// pointer to the current data element Type *m_ptDataCurr; /// pointer to the first invalid pixel of ptDataOrigin Type *m_ptDataEnd; /// pointer to the first invalid pixel of the current line Type *m_ptCurrLineEnd; }; template class ConstImgIterator : public ImgIterator { public: /// Default Constructor: creates an empty ConstImgIterator object ConstImgIterator() : ImgIterator() {} /// 2nd Constructor creates an ImgIterator object with type "Type" ConstImgIterator(const Type *ptData,int iImageWidth,const Rect &roROI) : ImgIterator(ptData, iImageWidth, roROI) {} /// 3rd Constructor to create sub-regions of an image ConstImgIterator(const ConstImgIterator &roOrigin, const Size &s, const Point &a) : ImgIterator(roOrigin, s, a) {} }; } #endif