#include #include #include #ifndef FMCREATOR_H #define FMCREATOR_H namespace icl{ /// interface for Feature Map creators /** see RegionBasedBlobSearcher for more details */ struct FMCreator{ /// Destructor virtual ~FMCreator(){}; /// returns the demanded image size /** @param size size of the source image of the feature-map**/ virtual Size getSize()=0; /// returns the demaned image format /** @return format for the source image of the feature-map**/ virtual format getFormat()=0; /// create a featur-map from the given image (always 8u) /** @param image source image @return new feature map **/ virtual Img8u* getFM(Img8u *image)=0; /// static function, that creates a default FMCreator with given parameters /** The new FMCreator will create the feature map using the following algorithm: \code I = input-image converted to size "imageSize" and format "imageFormat" {the example is written for a 3-channel rgb image it is generalizable for abitrary formats} [r,g,b] = "refcolor" [tr,tg,tb] = thresholds for all pixel p=(x,y) I do dr = abs( I(x,y,0) - r ) dg = abs( I(x,y,1) - g ) db = abs( I(x,y,2) - b ) RESULT(x,y) = (dr refcolor, std::vector thresholds); }; } #endif