## -*-mode: Makefile;-*- ;; Have EMACS always use makefile-mode for this file. # # makeVar # # Don't change anything between the '####' lines! ############################################################################### -include ${_DOT_DOT}makeRoot ifneq "${MAKEROOT_DEFINED}" "TRUE" _DOT_DOT:= ../${_DOT_DOT} -include ${_DOT_DOT}makeVar else ifeq "${_DOT_DOT}" "" _DOT_DOT=. endif SRC_ROOT=${_DOT_DOT} PACKAGES=$(SRC_ROOT)/packages/ endif ############################################################################### # Add here your project settings, plese specify each entry in a separated # line (use backslash to continue the lines). # Please specify here the name of the root project # (! Very important for the install routine !) PROJECT_ROOT_NAME:=ICL # Please specify the current version subdivided in: # TARGET_MAJVERSION the major version number (e.g. 1 for version 1.0) # TARGET_MINVERSION the minor version number (e.g. 0 for version 1.0) TARGET_MAJVERSION:= 3 TARGET_MINVERSION:= 0 # Please include here the inherited projects # (e.g. include ${AGNI_GLOBAL_ROOT}/Basics/Base/1.0/packageVar) # This variable sets the inclusion modality for packageVar # Values are: DYNAMIC (for the inclusion of shared object) and # STATIC (for the inclusion of static libraries) AGNI_INHERIT_MODE:= DYNAMIC # Please add here all the directories with absolute path # (e.g. -I/usr/local/include) that contain include files needed by the sources. ABS_INCLUDES:= ${ABS_INCLUDES} # Please add here all the directories with relative path # (e.g. -I../MyModule/src) that contain include files needed by the sources. REL_INCLUDES:= $(REL_INCLUDES:-I%=-I../%) # Please add here all the directories with absolute path # (e.g. -L/usr/local/lib) and libraries (e.g. -lsvs) needed by the executables. ABS_LIBRARIES:= ${ABS_LIBRARIES} # Please add here all the directories with relative path # (e.g. -L../MyLib/lib) REL_LIBRARIES:= $(REL_LIBRARIES:-L%=-L../%) # Please add here all the objects with absolute path # that are needed by the executables. ABS_OBJECTS:= ${ABS_OBJECTS} # Please add here all the objects with relative path # that are needed by the executables. REL_OBJECTS:= $(REL_OBJECTS:%=../%) # Debug status # This variable takes two values: TRUE or FALSE DEBUG_ON:=TRUE # Debugging flags DEBUG:=-O0 -g3 # Non-Debugging flags NODEBUG:=-O4 -DNDEBUG -mfpmath=sse -march=pentium3 # Compilation defines for C (e.g. -DASSERT, -DEXCEPTION, -DREENTRANT) CDEFINES:= ${CDEFINES} -DWITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION # Flags for C compiler CFLAGS:= ${CFLAGS} # Compilation defines for C++ (e.g. -DASSERT, -DEXCEPTION, -DREENTRANT) CPPDEFINES:= ${CDEFINES} # Flags for C++ compiler CPPFLAGS:= ${CPPFLAGS} # Flags for archive ARFLAGS:= ${ARFLAGS} # Flags for static library linker LDFLAGS:= ${LDFLAGS} # Flags for dynamic library linker LDDYNFLAGS:= ${LDDYNFLAGS} # Change the linker to g++ CMD_LD=g++ ############################# check for IPP ############################ ifeq "$(wildcard $(IPP_ROOT)/5.1/sharedlib/libipp*.so)" "" ifneq "$(findstring -DWITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION,$(CDEFINES))" "" ifeq "$(_WARN_IPP)" "" _WARN_IPP=done # warn only once export _WARN_IPP $(warning "IPP 5.1 is not available. Its usage is switched off.") endif CDEFINES:=$(filter-out -DWITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION, $(CDEFINES)) CPPDEFINES:=$(filter-out -DWITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION, $(CPPDEFINES)) endif endif ############################# check for QT 4 ############################ # try whether useful QTDIR is already set ifeq "$(shell $(QTDIR)/bin/qmake --version 2>&1 | grep 'Using Qt version 4.')" "" QTDIR=/vol/qt/4.2 endif # try whether QTDIR contains QT 4 now ifneq "$(shell $(QTDIR)/bin/qmake --version 2>&1 | grep 'Using Qt version 4.')" "" HAVE_QT=TRUE else ifeq "$(_WARN_QT)" "" _WARN_QT=done # warn only once export _WARN_QT $(warning "Qt version 4.2 is not available. Qt-specific targets are not built.") endif endif ############################# check for Firewire ######################## # try whether firewire lib is available ifneq "$(wildcard /vol/video/lib/libdc1394*.so)" "" HAVE_FIREWIRE=TRUE else ifeq "$(_WARN_FIREWIRE)" "" _WARN_FIREWIRE=done # warn only once export _WARN_FIREWIRE $(warning "Firewire library is not available. Firewire specific targets are not built.") endif endif # Set the priority level DIR_PRIORITY:=ICLUtils ICLCore ICLCC DIR_LOWPRIORITY:=examples ifeq "$(HAVE_QT)" "" SKIP_DIRECTORIES += ICLQt endif #Skip the following object files ifeq "$(HAVE_FIREWIRE)" "" SKIP_OBJECTS += FwGrabber.cpp endif