#ifndef ICL_RECT_H #define ICL_RECT_H #include #include #include #include namespace icl { #ifndef WITH_IPP_OPTIMIZATION /// fallback implementation for the IppiRect struct, defined in the ippi lib struct IppiRect { /// xpos of upper left corner int x; /// ypos of upper left corner int y; /// width int width; /// height int height; }; #else #include #endif /// Rectangle class of the ICL used e.g. for the Images ROI-rect /** Please take care of the following conventions when using Rects in the ICL library:
                  |------ width ------>|
  origin(x,y)---->Xooooooooooooooooooooo....  ___
                ..oooooooooooooooooooooo....  /|\
                ..oooooooooooooooooooooo....   |
                ..oooooooooooooooooooooo.... height
                ..oooooooooooooooooooooo....   | 
                ..oooooooooooooooooooooo....  _|_
*/ class Rect : public IppiRect{ public: /// null Rect is w=0, h=0, x=0, y=0 static const Rect null; /// creates a defined Rect Rect(int x, int y, int width, int height){ this->x = x; this->y = y; this->width = width; this->height = height; } /// creates a new Rect with specified offset and size Rect(const Point &p, const Size &s){ this->x = p.x; this->y = p.y; this->width = s.width; this->height = s.height; } /// create a deep copy of a rect Rect(const Rect &r=null){ this->x = r.x; this->y = r.y; this->width = r.width; this->height = r.height; } /// checks wether the object instance is null, i.e. all elements are zero bool isNull() const { return (*this)==null; } /// checks if two rects are equal bool operator==(const Rect &s) const { return x==s.x && y==s.y && width==s.width && height==s.height; } /// checks if two rects are not equal bool operator!=(const Rect &s) const { return x!=s.x || y!= s.y || width!=s.width || height!=s.height; } /// scales all parameters of the rect by a double value Rect operator*(double d) const { return Rect((int)(d*x),(int)(d*y),(int)(d*width),(int)(d*height)); } /// adds a size to the rects size Rect& operator+=(const Size &s){ width+=s.width; height+=s.height; return *this; } /// substracs a size to the rects size Rect& operator-=(const Size &s){ width-=s.width; height-=s.height; return *this; } /// adds a Point to the rects offset Rect& operator+=(const Point &p){ x+=p.x; y+=p.y; return *this; } /// substracts a Point to the rects offset Rect& operator-=(const Point &p){ x-=p.x; y-=p.y; return *this; } /// scales all rect params inplace Rect& operator*=(double d){ x=(int)((float)x*d); y=(int)((float)y*d); width=(int)((float)width*d); height=(int)((float)height*d); return *this; }; /// returns width*height int getDim() const {return width*height;} /// intersection of two Rects Rect operator&(const Rect &r) const { Point ul (std::max (x, r.x), std::max (y, r.y)); Point lr (std::min (right(), r.right()), std::min (bottom(), r.bottom())); Rect result (ul.x, ul.y, lr.x-ul.x, lr.y-ul.y); if (result.width > 0 && result.height > 0) return result; else return null; } /// union of two Rects Rect operator|(const Rect &r) const { Point ul (std::min (x, r.x), std::min (y, r.y)); Point lr (std::max (right(), r.right()), std::max (bottom(), r.bottom())); return Rect (ul.x, ul.y, lr.x-ul.x, lr.y-ul.y); } /// rects with negative sizes are normalized to Positive sizes /** e.g. the rect (5,5,-5,-5) is normalized to (0,0,5,5) */ Rect nomalized() const { Rect r (*this); if (r.width < 0) {r.x += r.width; r.width = -r.width; } if (r.height < 0) {r.y += r.height; r.height = -r.height; } return r; } /// returns if a Rect containes another rect (NOT IMPLEMENTED) bool contains(const Rect &r) const { return x<=r.x && y <= r.y && right() >= r.right() && bottom() >= r.bottom(); } bool contains(int x, int y){ return this->x<=x && right()>=x && this->y<=y && bottom()>=y; } /// returns lower left point of the rect Point ul() const { return Point(x,y); } /// returns upper left point of the rect Point ll() const { return Point(x,y+height); } /// returns lower right point of the rect Point ur() const { return Point(x+width,y); } /// returns upper right point of the rect Point lr() const { return Point(x+width,y+height); } /// returns the left border position int left() const { return x; } /// returns the right border position int right() const { return x+width; } /// returns the position of the bottom border int bottom() const { return y+height; } /// returns the position of the upper border int top() const { return y; } /// returns the size of the rect Size size() const { return Size(width,height); } }; } // namespace icl #endif // ICL_RECT_H