#ifndef BLOBFINDER_H #define BLOBFINDER_H #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ namespace regiondetector{ /** The RegionDetector class is the interface that has to be used to find blobs in images */ class RegionDetector{ public: /** creates a RegionDetector instance, that is prepared for searching for blobs in images with size iW x iH and SE aches for all blobs with minimum size iMinSize and value in range iMinValue..iMaxValue */ RegionDetector(int iW, int iH, int iMinSize,int iMaxSize, int iMinValue=0, int iMaxValue=255); //Desturctor ~RegionDetector(); /** searches for blobs in the given image-data. The returned RegionDetectorBlobList must not be deleted, as it is owned by the RegionDetector object */ BlobList *find_blobs(unsigned char *pucData); void setMinSize(int iMinSize); void setMaxSize(int iMaxSize); void setMinValue(int iMinSize); void setMaxValue(int iMaxSize); Size getSize(){ return Size(m_iW, m_iH); } void setSize(const Size &size); protected: // Lable image RegionDetectorBlobPart **m_ppoLim; int m_iW; int m_iH; int m_iDim; int m_iMinSize; int m_iMaxSize; int m_iMinValue; int m_iMaxValue; BlobPartMemoryManager *m_poBlobPartMM; ScanLineMemoryManager *m_poScanLineMM; BlobList *m_poBlobList; }; } } #endif