# # packageVar # # To use it, please include this file in your top-level makeVar. # Please, replace "((PACKAGENAME))" with the project name # (e.g. DISPLAYWINDOW_MAKEVAR ) ifeq "${ICL_MAKEVAR}" "" ICL_MAKEVAR=ICL_MAKEVAR # Please, include here the inherited projects # (e.g. include ${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/globalVar ) # (e.g. include ${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/Basics/Base/1.0/packageVar ) # Please, place here the include directory of the project # (e.g. -I${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/Modules/DisplayWindow/1.0/include ) ABS_INCLUDES:= ${ABS_INCLUDES} \ -I${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/ICL/3.0/include # Please, do not change this ifeq statement ifeq "${AGNI_INHERIT_MODE}" "STATIC" # Please, place here the static libraries # (e.g. ${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/Modules/DisplayWindow/1.0/lib/libDisplayWindow.a ) ABS_OBJECTS:= ${ABS_OBJECTS} \ ${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/ICL/3.0/lib/libICL.a # Please, do not remove the else statement else # Please, place here the lib directory of the project # and the library name. Add extra library path with # library names as well (when needed) # (e.g. -L${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/Modules/DisplayWindow/1.0/lib \ # -lDisplayWindow ) # (e.g. extra library like: -L/usr/lib -lpthreads ) ABS_LIBRARIES:= ${ABS_LIBRARIES} \ -L${AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT}/ICL/3.0/lib \ -lICLCore \ -lICLCC \ -lICLIO \ -lICLQt \ -lICLBlob \ -lICLFilter \ -lICLMEx \ -lICLNN \ -lICLViola # Please, do not remove this endif statement endif # Please, place here needed C defines (for static compilation) CDEFINES:= ${CDEFINES} # Please, place here C flags (for static compilation) CFLAGS:= ${CFLAGS} # place here needed C++ defines (for static compilation) # (e.g. -DASSERT, -DEXCEPTION, -DREENTRANT ) CPPDEFINES:= ${CPPDEFINES} # Please, place here C++ flags (for static compilation) CPPFLAGS:= ${CPPFLAGS} # Please, don't forget to set the appropriate AGNI_LOCAL_ROOT in your environment. endif