#ifndef OSDWIDGET_H #define OSDWIDGET_H #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace icl{ /** \cond */ class OSDWidget; class ICLWidget; /** \endcond */ /// vector of OSDWidget pointers typedef std::vector wvec; /// typedef for according image widget class typedef ICLWidget ImageWidget; /// base class for On Screen Display (OSD) Widgets \ingroup UNCOMMON /** Like QWidgets, the OSDWidget class provides an interface for arbitrary OSD-components like sliders, buttons and labels. Each widget may contain other wigets, an passes all givent events to its childs by default. All event handling functinos like drawSelf, keyPressed, ... are virtual, and may be specialized in the specific widget classes, derived from OSDWidget.


To simlpify event handling, each Widget gets a constant and unique id, which may be used to estimate event sources in parent classes. In addition to this, the event handling mechanism is simplified to provide the ability of processing all child-events in the parent class, or to pass child events to the parent class. All events, that are captured by Qts event loop are passed to the root Widget, which distributes the event to each child widget. All of these widgets may have a custom event handling functionality and/or forwarding the received events to its own childs. It is strongly recommented not to build very complex GUI structures, a one needs to considere, that all events are passed down to all widgets that are contained directly and indirectly by the root widget. In addition to this top down event handling approach, an bottom up mechanism is implemented, which allows the programmer for grouped handling of the child widgets events. Each widget may call the childChanded(id, value) function to inform the parent widget, that somthing has been changed, e.g. a slider will send up its new value using this mechanism. (For more detail take a look at the implementation of the common OSDWidget-classes like OSDButton or OSDSlider)


The drawing mechanism is derived from the eventhandling except the bottom up functionalities. Like QWidgets, all OSDWidgets may implement the drawSelf-method. To achive a related look of all gui componets the base class provides abilities for drawing primitives like text, boxes or ellipses. */ class OSDWidget{ public: /// Constructor /**Creates a OSWWidget with the given parameters*/ OSDWidget(int id, Rect r,ImageWidget* poIW , OSDWidget *poParent=0); /// Destructor virtual ~OSDWidget(); /// @{ @name custom event processing of this widget /// drawing functions virtual void drawSelf(PaintEngine *e,int x, int y,int mouseOver,int mouseOverChild, int downmask[3]); /// key event handling with given key and given mouse coords virtual void keyPressed(int key, int x, int y); /// mouse motion handling virtual void mouseMoved(int x, int y, int downmask[3]); /// mouse pressed handling virtual void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button); /// mouse released handling virtual void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button); /// @} /// @{ @name top down event handling functions void _keyPressed(int key, int x, int y); void _mouseMoved(int x, int y, int downmask[3]); void _mousePressed(int x, int y, int button); void _mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button); void _drawSelf(PaintEngine *e, int x, int y, int downmask[3]); /// @} /// @{ @name bottom up event handling virtual void childChanged(int id, void *val=0); /// @} /// @{ @name utility functions /// returns the widgets unique id int getID(); /// returns the widgets parent widgets OSDWidget *getParent(); /// returns a reference of the child vector const wvec& getChilds(); /// returns the wigets rect /** All widgets have their own "Rect", that specifies the widgest absolut window coordinates and size */ const Rect& getRect(); /// returns the child count of this widget int getChildCount(); /// returns if the child count is > 0 int hasChilds(); /// adds a new child to the widgets void addChild(OSDWidget *c); /// removes the child with the given id void removeChild(int id); /// sets up the widget geometry void setRect(Rect oRect); /// retuns if the widget contains a given point int contains(int x, int y); /// x-offset of the widget int x(); /// y-offset of the widget int y(); /// width of the widget int w(); /// height of the widget int h(); /// alias for contains(x,y) int mouseOver(int x,int y); /// returns if a child of the widgets was hit int mouseOverChild(int x, int y); /// @} /// @{ @name utility function for drawing primitives /// draws the background of the widgets with givent parameters void drawBG(PaintEngine *e,int drawFill,int drawBorder, int over,int pressed); /// draws a rect with given parameters static void drawRect(PaintEngine *e, Rect r,int drawFill,int drawBorder, int over, int pressed); /// draws a ellipse with given parameters static void drawCircle(PaintEngine *e, Rect r,int drawFill, int drawBorder, int over, int pressed); /// draws a string with given parameters static void drawText(PaintEngine *e, Rect r,std::string sText, int over, int pressed, int highlighted=0, bool centered=true); /// sets up the currently used color ot the widget static void setCol(PaintEngine *e, int fill, int border, int over, int pressed); /// static parameters that specify appearance or the widgest static int s_iAlpha,s_iBorderR,s_iBorderG, s_iBorderB,s_iFillR,s_iFillG,s_iFillB,s_iHoveredAdd,s_iPressedAdd; /// @} protected: wvec m_vecChilds; OSDWidget *m_poParent; Rect m_oRect; int m_iID; ImageWidget* m_poIW; }; }// namespace icl #endif