#include "iclGUIDefinition.h" #include "iclGUISyntaxErrorException.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace icl{ namespace{ static string cutName(const string &s){ // {{{ open unsigned int pos = s.find("=",0); if(pos == string::npos){ throw GUISyntaxErrorException(s,"missing '=' character!"); return ""; } if(pos == s.length()-1){ throw GUISyntaxErrorException(s,"character '=' at end of definition is not allowed!"); return ""; } return s.substr(pos+1); } static void split_string(const std::string &s, string &type, string ¶ms, string &optparams){ unsigned int obrPos = s.find('('); unsigned int cbrPos = s.find(')'); unsigned int obrPos2 = s.find('['); unsigned int cbrPos2 = s.find(']'); if(obrPos != string::npos){ if(cbrPos == string::npos) throw GUISyntaxErrorException(s,"missing ')' character!"); if(obrPos2 != string::npos){ if(cbrPos2 == string::npos) throw GUISyntaxErrorException(s,"missing ']' character!"); type = s.substr(0,obrPos); params = s.substr(obrPos+1, cbrPos-obrPos-1); optparams = s.substr(obrPos2+1, cbrPos2-obrPos2-1); }else{ type = s.substr(0,obrPos); params = s.substr(obrPos+1, cbrPos-obrPos-1); optparams = ""; } }else{ if(obrPos2 != string::npos){ if(cbrPos2 == string::npos) throw GUISyntaxErrorException(s,"missing ']' character!"); type = s.substr(0,obrPos2); optparams = s.substr(obrPos2+1, cbrPos2-obrPos2-1); params = ""; }else{ optparams = ""; params = ""; type = s; } } } // }}} } GUIDefinition::GUIDefinition(const std::string &def, GUI *gui, QLayout *parentLayout, QWidget *parentWidget) // {{{ open :m_sDefinitionString(def),m_iMargin(2),m_iSpacing(2),m_poGUI(gui),m_poParentLayout(parentLayout),m_poParentWidget(parentWidget){ // SYNTAX: type(commaSeperatedparamList)[@out=outNameList@inp=inNameList@size=Size@label=label] string paramList; string optParamList; split_string(def,m_sType,paramList,optParamList); if(paramList.length()){ m_vecParams = StrTok(paramList,",").allTokens(); } if(optParamList.length()){ StrTok t(optParamList,"@"); while(t.hasMoreTokens()){ string s = t.nextToken(); if(!s.find("out",0)) m_vecOutputs = StrTok(cutName(s),",").allTokens(); else if(!s.find("inp",0)) m_vecInputs = StrTok(cutName(s),",").allTokens(); else if(!s.find("size",0)) m_oSize = translateSize(cutName(s)); else if(!s.find("minsize",0)) m_oMinSize = translateSize(cutName(s)); else if(!s.find("maxsize",0)) m_oMaxSize = translateSize(cutName(s)); else if(!s.find("label",0)) m_sLabel = cutName(s); else if(!s.find("handle",0)) m_sHandle = cutName(s); else if(!s.find("margin",0)) m_iMargin = (int)abs(atoi(cutName(s).c_str())); else if(!s.find("spacing",0)) m_iSpacing = (int)abs(atoi(cutName(s).c_str())); else throw GUISyntaxErrorException(def,string("illegal optional parameter \"")+s+"\""); } } } // }}} const std::string &GUIDefinition::param(unsigned int idx) const { // {{{ open static const string DEF; return idx < m_vecParams.size() ? m_vecParams[idx] : DEF; } // }}} int GUIDefinition::intParam(unsigned int idx) const { // {{{ open const string &s = param(idx); if(s != ""){ return atoi(s.c_str()); }else{ return 0; } } // }}} float GUIDefinition::floatParam(unsigned int idx) const { // {{{ open const string &s = param(idx); if(s != ""){ return atof(s.c_str()); }else{ return 0; } } // }}} const std::string &GUIDefinition::output(unsigned int idx) const { // {{{ open static const string DEF; return idx < m_vecOutputs.size() ? m_vecOutputs[idx] : DEF; } // }}} const std::string &GUIDefinition::input(unsigned int idx) const { // {{{ open static const string DEF; return idx < m_vecInputs.size() ? m_vecInputs[idx] : DEF; } // }}} void GUIDefinition::show() const{ // {{{ open printf("GUI of type \"%s\" \n",m_sType.c_str()); printf("label is \"%s\" \n",m_sLabel.c_str()); printf("size is \"%s\" \n",translateSize(m_oSize).c_str()); printf("params: \n"); for(unsigned int i=0;i