#ifndef ICLSONYFWGRABBER_H #define ICLSONYFWGRABBER_H #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef WITH_SONYIIDC #include #include #include #include #include #define SONY_GAIN 470 #define SONY_SHUTTER 562 #define SONY_WHITEBALANCE_U 45 #define SONY_WHITEBALANCE_V 12 #define SONY_HUE 15 #define GET_FORMAT(formatindex) ((formatindex>>8)&0x07) #define GET_MODE(formatindex) ((formatindex>>12)&0x07) #define GET_COLORCODING(formatindex) (formatindex & 0x0f) // TODO THIS MUST NOT BE LOCATED IN A .h FILE !! using namespace std; namespace icl { /// Grabber implementation for grabbing on our Camera-Head \ingroup GRABBER_G class SonyFwGrabber : public Grabber { public: SonyFwGrabber(); ~SonyFwGrabber(); bool init(); bool initTrigger(); /// grabbing function /** \copydoc icl::Grabber::grab(icl::ImgBase**) **/ virtual const ImgBase* grab(ImgBase **poDst=0); void grabStereo (ImgBase*& ppoDstLeft, ImgBase*& ppoDstRight); void grabStereoTrigger (ImgBase*& leftImage, ImgBase*& rightImage); /** @{ @name properties and parameters */ /// interface for the setter function for video device properties /** \copydoc icl::Grabber::setProperty(const std::string&,const std::string&) **/ virtual void setProperty(const std::string &property, const std::string &value); /// returns a list of properties, that can be set using setProperty /** @return list of supported property names **/ virtual std::vector getPropertyList(); /// returns the current value of a property or a parameter virtual std::string getValue(const std::string &name); /** @} */ void setDevice(int dev) { if ((dev <= m_lNumCameras) && (dev >=0)) m_iDevice = dev; } inline icl::Size getSize() { return icl::Size(m_iWidth, m_iHeight); } private: /// current grabbing width int m_iWidth; /// current grabbing height int m_iHeight; /// current grabbing device int m_iDevice; /// current grabbing fps value float m_fFps; /// current number of devices long m_lNumCameras; /// image data buffers for grabbing BYTE ***m_pppImgBuffer; /// camera handels HIIDC m_hCamera[10]; void GetCamAllString(long camIndex, char *strCamera); void copyGrabbingBuffer (int iDevice, ImgBase *poDst); }; } #endif //SONYIIDC #endif //WIN32 #endif //SONYFWGRABBER_H