#ifndef ICL_DC_FRAME_QUEUE_H #define ICL_DC_FRAME_QUEUE_H #include "iclDC.h" #include "iclDCDeviceOptions.h" #include #include namespace icl{ namespace dc{ /// Internal used utility class for fast handling of DMA buffers \ingroup DC_G /** This Queue implementation initializes the given camera. Then it dequeues all DMA ring buffer frames once, and pushes them into its wrapped std::queue. After that, it re-enqueues a fixed number (given by the 3rd constructor argument nQueuedBuffers which is set to 2 by default) into the DMA-queue. This buffers are filled continuously with new frame data by the DMA-Thread. After this initialization, the Queue is used by the DCGrabberThread to buffer grabbed image data as fast a possible, and to offer the newest frame safely at any time to other threads. **/ class DCFrameQueue{ public: /// Creates a new DCFrameQueue objects with given camera, DMABuffer size and count of queued buffers DCFrameQueue(dc1394camera_t* c, DCDeviceOptions *options, int nDMABuffers=5, int nQueuedBuffers=1); /// releases the internal camera using icl::dc::release_dc_cam() ~DCFrameQueue(); /// performs a new step /** - enqueue the oldest frame front() in the DMA-queue and pop() it from the internal queue - dequeue a frame F ( this is the newest one now) - push F into the internal frame */ void step(); /// returns the oldest frame in the queue /** new frames are pushed from the back. call lock() / unlock() before and after using this function to ensure, that the returned element remains the front one and that it stay in the queue */ inline dc1394video_frame_t *front() { return q.front(); } /// returns the newest frame in the queue /** call lock() / unlock() before and after using this function to ensure, that the returned element remains the newest one and that is stays in the loop */ inline dc1394video_frame_t *back() { return q.back(); } /// locks the queue inline void lock() { mutex.lock(); } /// unlocks the queue inline void unlock() { mutex.unlock(); } /// pushes a new frame to the back of the internal queue (auto lock()/unlock()) /** The function internally locks the queue */ void push(dc1394video_frame_t *f); /// pops the oldest frame from the front of the internal queue (auto lock()/unlock()) /** The function internally locks the queue */ dc1394video_frame_t *pop(); /// shows some debugging information for the wrapped camera void showDetails() const; private: /// wrapped queue structure std::queue q; /// queue mutex Mutex mutex; /// associated camera dc1394camera_t *m_poCam; /// count of internal used DMA buffers int m_iBuffers; /// count of queued buffers int m_iQueuedBuffers; }; } } #endif