#ifndef ICLCC_H #define ICLCC_H #include "iclTypes.h" #include #include /** \mainpage ICLCC Color Conversion Package of the ICL The ICL provides the following color formats / models - RGB (sRGB) - HLS - YUV - LAB - r-g-Chromaticity - Grayscale \section secRanges Color Ranges As default, the all ICL color spaces are represented in the full range of [0,255] in all depths. By this, we get the advantage of being able to treat all color images in the same way. The disadvantage is, that already existing color conversion routines must be adapted to scale each color component to that range. \section secDefFormat sRGB, most common and default Obviously, the RGB Color Model (or its absolute Version sRGB -> standard RGB) is one of the best known one by most of the users. Although many computer vision approaches are using other color spaces as HLS or LAB, the sRGB color space complies a kind of angle point for color conversion functions. So in most cases, the sRGB format forms a bridge format for conversion from one to another format (xxx->yyy ==> xxx->rgb followed by rgb->yyy ; Another bridge color space (XYZ) is not considered here). In term of efficiency of the color conversion code: Converting from or to RGB is fast, other conversion may be much slower. \section secYUV YUV Color Space Conversion The literature yuv color model conversion is mostly a bit confusing and far away from a kind of pseudocode, that can easily be converted to (fast) c++ code. The YUV Color model divides an incoming RGB signal into its luminance component (Y) and two chrominance components (U and V). The common yuv-color holds Y in the range [0,1], u in range [-0.436,0.436] and v in range [-0.615,0,615]. These different ranges compound implementing algorithms. Hence the color conversion functions of the ICL are adapted to scale the resulting values to the range [0,255] in all channels. Outgoing from the basic equation for converting rgb to yuv and back
Y = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B
U = -0.147*R - 0.289*G + 0.436*B = 0.492*(B- Y)
V = 0.615*R - 0.515*G - 0.100*B = 0.877*(R- Y)

R = Y + 1.140*V
G = Y - 0.394*U - 0.581*V
B = Y + 2.032*U
The formulas are adapted for using ranges [0,255]:
Y = (0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B);  
U = 0.56433408*(B-Y) + 127.5;
V = 0.71326676*(R-Y) + 127.5;

R = Y +               290.7   * v2;
G = Y - 100.47 * u2 - 148.155 * v2;   with: u2 = 0.0034196078*U - 0.436;
B = Y + 518.16 * u2;                   and  v2 = 0.0048235294*V - 0.615;

To avoid expensive floating point operations, the conversions can be optimized by creating a so called fixed point approximation of the above code:
Y = ( 1254097*R + 2462056*G + 478151*B ) >> 22;  
U = ( 2366989*(B-Y) + 534773760        ) >> 22;
V = ( 2991658*(R-Y) + 534773760        ) >> 22;

R = Y +  ( ( 290 * V2 ) >> 22 );
G = Y -  ( ( 100  * U2 + 148 * V2) >> 22 ); with: U2 = 14343*U - 1828717; 
B = Y +  ( ( 518 * U2 ) >> 22 );             and  V2 = 20231*v - 2579497; 
This approximation produces errors less 3/255, and runs up to 20% faster. A further optimization can be implemented using lookup tables. \section secHLS HLS Color Space Conversion The HLS color space, also known as the HSI color space with another channel order describes colors in more independent components. The Hue component complies an angle and is as well as all other color information scaled to the range [0,254]. The value H=255 is identical to H=0 (red). Independent from the colors hue, its Lightness is estimated by the second component. Basic colors as red (r=255,g=0,b=0) have a lightness of 127; lighter colors have a hight L value; darker colors have a lower one. The last component is the Saturation of the color. The color model can be drawn as a double (hex)cone . Note that the HLS color spaces resolution is higher in its center (L near 127). The following formulas describe the conversion from and to the RGB format:
(r,g,b) = (R,G,B)/255;
m = min(r,g,b)
v = max(r,g,b)
l = (m+v)/2
if(l <= 0){
  (H,L,S) = (0,0,0)

vm = v-m
if ( vm > 0 ) {

r2 = (v - r) / vm
g2 = (v - g) / vm
b2 = (v - b) / vm
if (r == v)
  h = (g == m ? 5.0 + b2 : 1.0 - g2)
else if (g == v)
  h = (b == m ? 1.0 + r2 : 3.0 - b2)
  h = (r == m ? 3.0 + g2 : 5.0 - r2)
if(h == 255) h = 0
(H,L,S) = (h*255/6,l*255,s*255)
An optimization, that allows conversion directly with (r,g,b) values in range [0,255] is not yet implemented.

(h,l,s) = (H,L,S)/255;
v = (l <= 0.5) ? (l * (1.0 + sl)) : (l + sl - l * sl)
if (v <= 0 ) {
  R = G = B = 0;
m = l + l - v;
sv = (v - m ) / v;
h *= 6.0;
int sextant = (int)h;	
fract = h - sextant;
vsf = v * sv * fract;
mid1 = m + vsf;
mid2 = v - vsf;

switch (sextant) {
  case 0: r = v;    g = mid1; b = m;    break;
  case 1: r = mid2; g = v;    b = m;    break;
  case 2: r = m;    g = v;    b = mid1; break;
  case 3: r = m;    g = mid2; b = v;    break;
  case 4: r = mid1; g = m;    b = v;    break;
  case 5: r = v;    g = m;    b = mid2; break;
(R,G,B) = (r,g,b)*255;
An additional optimization can be implemented using lookup tables. \section secLAB Lab Color Space Conversion The LAB color space (strictly CIE L*a*b*), was designed to describe the complete range of colors, that can be seen by the human eye. It must not be mixed up with the "Hunter Lab" color space, that is sure related to the CIE L*a*b*, but in detail much different. "The three parameters in the model represent the lightness of the color (L*, L*=0 yields black and L*=100 indicates white), its position between magenta and green (a*, negative values indicate green while positive values indicate magenta) and its position between yellow and blue (b*, negative values indicate blue and positive values indicate yellow)"(wikipedia). "CIE 1976 L*a*b* is based directly on the CIE 1931 XYZ color space as an attempt to linearize the perceptibility of color differences, using the color difference metric described by the MacAdam ellipse"(wikipedia). So an euclidian (linear) color difference metric can be used here. The following code show the formulas LabToXYZ, XYZToLab, RGBToXYZ and XYZToRGB.
static icl32f m[3][3] = {{ 0.412453, 0.35758 , 0.180423},
                         { 0.212671, 0.71516 , 0.072169},
                         { 0.019334, 0.119193, 0.950227}};

X = m[0][0] * R + m[0][1] * G + m[0][2] * B;
Y = m[1][0] * R + m[1][1] * G + m[1][2] * B;
Z = m[2][0] * R + m[2][1] * G + m[2][2] * B;

static icl32f m[3][3] = {{ 3.2405, -1.5372,-0.4985},
                         {-0.9693,  1.8760, 0.0416},
                         { 0.0556, -0.2040, 1.0573}};
R = m[0][0] * x + m[0][1] * y + m[0][2] * z;
G = m[1][0] * x + m[1][1] * y + m[1][2] * z;
B = m[2][0] * x + m[2][1] * y + m[2][2] * z;

wX = 95.0456;
wY = 100.0;
wZ = 108.8754;
_13 = 1.0/3.0;
XXn = X / wX;
YYn = Y / wY;
ZZn = Z / wZ;

L = (YYn > 0.008856) ? ((116 * pow (YYn, _13))-16) : (903.3 * YYn);
fX = (XXn > 0.008856) ? pow (XXn, _13) : 7.787 * XXn + (16 / 116);
fY = (YYn > 0.008856) ? pow (YYn, _13) : 7.787 * YYn + (16 / 116); 
fZ = (ZZn > 0.008856) ? pow (ZZn, _13) : 7.787 * ZZn + (16 / 116);
a = 500.0 * (fX - fY);
b = 200.0 * (fY - fZ);

d = 6.0/29.0;
n = 16.0/116.0;
f = 3*d*d;

wX = 95.0456;
wY = 100.0;
wZ = 108.8754;

fy = (l+16)/116;
fx = fy+a/500;
fz = fy-b/200;

X = (fx>d) ?  wX*pow(fx,3) : (fx-n)*f*wX;
Y = (fy>d) ?  wY*pow(fy,3) : (fy-n)*f*wY;
Z = (fz>d) ?  wZ*pow(fz,3) : (fz-n)*f*wZ;
\section secGray Gray Scale Conversion The gray scale conversion is optimized for speed performance. Although, L of Lab is not equal to the Y of YUV, color formats, that have an brightness-like component are converted to gray scale by picking this channel. RGB is converted to gray by the simple channel mean (r+g+b)/3. \section matrix formatMatrix Conversion As the matrix image format offers no color information, matrix image data is just copied from the source image channels to the destination image channels. If the source image has more channels, the remaining channels are left unregarded. If otherwise the destination image has more channels, this channels are left unchanged \section secChroma r-g-Chromaticity Color Space Conversion The chromaticity space r,g,b divides the R,G,B components by the city block norm of the according color r=R/(R+G+B), g=G/(R+G+B), b= B/(R+G+B). By this means, the b-component becomes redundant, and can be left out, which leads to the r-g-chromaticity space. Conversions form the r-g-Chromaticity space to other formats are not possible, as to much information is lost. \section secBench Benchmarks The following tables, show the cross format conversion times: TODO: re-run this test --> which machine / which image size ? depth32f
src\\dstrgb yuv lab hls gray chroma
rgb 10* 26 47 30 7 21
yuv 23 8 387?64 2 45
lab 45 63 8 75 2 63
hls 23 43 67 8 2 44
gray 11 12 11 13 3 **
chroma ** ** ** ** ** 6
* times in ms ** this does not make sense! depth8u
src\\dstrgb yuv lab hls gray chroma
rgb 3 9 31 22 3 22
yuv 13 2 487?56 0.2 33
lab 31 40 2 54 0.2 52
hls 12 21 43 2 0.2 33
gray 3 4 4 4 0.2 **
chroma ** ** ** ** ** 6
cross depth conversion depth8u --> depth32f
src\\dstrgb yuv lab hls gray chroma
rgb 9 10 32 22 4 23
yuv 11 8 474?54 3 34
lab 30 41 8 52 3 53
hls 14 22 43 8 3 34
gray 8 8 8 8 3 **
chroma 7 ** ** ** ** 5
\section ROI ROI-Support A new feature is the ROI-Support of the "cc" function. If the "roiOnly"-flag given to cc function is set to true, the source images ROI is converted into the destination images ROI. In this case, the destination image is not adapted to the source image. Instead, a single test is performed to ensure, that the source images ROI has the same size as the destination images ROI. If the test fails, an error occurs and the function returns immediately.\n Note: internally all functions are optimized for running without ROI support (in this case, the images data arrays are 1D). Thus, the ROI-Support mode (roiOnly = true) runs approx. 20% (2%-50%) slower depended on the specific source and destination format. */ namespace icl{ /// Color conversion from src to the dst image /** All color conversions of the ICL are tackled by this function. see the ICLCC mainpage for its behavior, features and performance. The destination images size is adapted to the source images size, as cc does not provide implicit scaling; Use the Converter class, also located in the ICLCC package, for color conversion with implicit scaling instead. */ void cc(const ImgBase *src, ImgBase *dst, bool roiOnly=false); /// returns whether a lookup table was already created for src and dst format /** @param srcFmt source format @param dstFmt destination format **/ bool lut_available(format srcFmt, format dstFmt); /// Internally creates a lookup table to accelerate conversion between given formats /** Take care: Each LUT uses up to 48MB of system memory @param srcFmt source format @param dstFmt destination format **/ void createLUT(format srcFmt, format dstFmt); /// releases the internal lookup table created with createLUT /** @param srcFmt source format @param dstFmt destination format **/ void releaseLUT(format srcFmt, format dstFmt); /// releases all lookup tables that were created with createLUT void releaseAllLUTs(); /// Internal used type, that describes an implementation type of a specific color conversion function enum ccimpl{ ccAvailable = 0, /**< conversion is supported natively/directly */ ccEmulated = 1, /**< conversion is supported using the bridge format RGB */ ccAdapted = 2, /**< conversion is actually not possible but although performed ( like XXX to matrix )*/ ccUnavailable = 3, /**< conversion is not implemented yet, but possible */ ccImpossible = 4 /**< conversion does not make sense (like croma to RGB )*/ }; /// translates a ccimpl enum into a string representation /** The returned string for ccAvailable is "available" (...) */ std::string translateCCImpl(ccimpl i); /// translates the string represenation of a ccimpl translateCCImlp(const std::string &s); /// returns the ccimpl state to a conversion from srcFmt to dstFmt ccimpl cc_available(format srcFmt, format dstFmt); /// Convert an image in YUV420-format to RGB8 format (ippi accelerated) /** @param poDst destination image @param pucSrc pointer to source data (data is in YUV420 format, which is planar and which's U- and V-channel has half X- and half Y-resolution. The data pointer has iW*iH*1.5 elements) @param s image size */ void convertYUV420ToRGB8(const unsigned char *pucSrc, const Size &s, Img8u* poDst); /// Convert an 4 channel Img8u into Qts ARGB32 interleaved format /** @param pucDst destination data pointer of size poSrc->getDim()*4 @param poSrc source image with 4 channels */ //void convertToARGB32Interleaved(const Img8u *poSrc, unsigned char *pucDst); /// Convert an 4 channel Img32f into Qts ARGB32 interleaved format /** This function will first convert the given Img32f poSrc into the buffer image poBuffer. Then it will call the above method, to convert the buffer data into pucDst. If the buffer is not valid, the method will return immediately. @param pucDst destination data pointer of size poSrc->getDim()*4 @param poSrc source image with 4 channels @param poBuffer buffer to use for internal depth conversion. */ //void convertToARGB32Interleaved(const Img32f *poSrc, Img8u *poBuffer, unsigned char *pucDst); /// Converts a planar Img images ROI into its interleaved representations by mixing the channels /** This function is highly optimized, because it is needed whenever we need interleaved images @param src source image image @param dst destination data pointer @param dstLineStep optinal linestep of the destination image. This must be given, if it differs from the source images lineStep multiplied by the source images channel count */ template void planarToInterleaved(const Img *src, D* dst, int dstLineStep=-1); /// Converts interleaved image data into planar representation /** The source data is transformed into the destination images ROI @param src data pointer @param dst image pointer @param srcLineStep optionally given src linestep size */ template void interleavedToPlanar(const S *src, Img *dst, int srcLineStep=-1); /// converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the yuv format void cc_util_rgb_to_yuv(const icl32s r, const icl32s g, const icl32s b, icl32s &y, icl32s &u, icl32s &v); /// converts given (y,u,v) pixel into the rgb format void cc_util_yuv_to_rgb(const icl32s y,const icl32s u,const icl32s v, icl32s &r, icl32s &g, icl32s &b); /// converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the hls format void cc_util_rgb_to_hls(const icl32f r255,const icl32f g255,const icl32f b255, icl32f &h, icl32f &l, icl32f &s); /// converts given (h,l,s) pixel into the rgb format void cc_util_hls_to_rgb(const icl32f h255, const icl32f l255, const icl32f sl255, icl32f &r, icl32f &g, icl32f &b); /// converts given (r,g,b) pixel into the RG-chroma format void cc_util_rgb_to_chroma(const icl32f r, const icl32f g, const icl32f b, icl32f &chromaR, icl32f &chromaG); } #endif