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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
159RML - RobotMetaLoggerBugNewNormalDocumentation on the screen probeFlorian Lier2013-03-02 14:28
595AMiRo-OSBugNewNormalSSSP has issue with IO event in breakout boardCung Lian Sang2019-08-08 09:24
581hlrcBugNewNormalflobi lookat does not work anymore due to hardcoded floka prefix2018-08-15 11:20
499Image Component LibraryBugNewLowDoes not build with C++982017-11-22 22:23
528Image Component LibraryBugNewLowcamera render in scene if pos is 0,0,02017-11-09 12:22
525Cognitive Interaction ToolkitBugNewNormalMaven Template uses default profile2017-11-02 08:38
496IPAACABugNewNormalRSB calls should never block2017-01-26 15:17
495IPAACABugNewNormalUpdates get applied even if revision is outdated2017-01-26 15:16
492Finite State Machine Based TestingBugNewNormalInstallation fails on a fresh Ubuntu 14.04.42016-11-30 22:28
414Cognitive Interaction ToolkitBugIn ProgressNormalNaming consistency2015-08-24 21:12
408IPAACABugNewNormalDelay/framedropping in AsapRealizer rendering when closing the injector2015-03-26 16:52
162RML - RobotMetaLoggerBugNewNormalWhen a gstreamer-tcp probe connects to a port that does not deliver data, it hangs2013-04-03 15:07
139XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitBugNewNormalRSB-Client has outdated serial on cancel2013-01-28 16:54
137XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitBugNewNormaleventbus-rsb cannot handle scope /2013-01-10 13:19
136XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitBugNewNormalModifying the specification for result_available can clash with updates2012-12-19 10:46
119XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitBugNewNormalRSB binary support of TaskState2012-10-02 17:17
117XTT - eXtensible Task ToolkitBugNewNormalTSV mapper does not ensure all data is one line2012-09-25 17:36

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