[environment] # In this case, we let VDEMO handle the Environment since # we need to test if it's configured correctly. # Therefore we _source_ the VDEMO base _before_ starting this # FSMT instance RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_HOST = $PC_CORE_1 AUDIOFILE=$prefix/share/fsmt-experiments/audio/media/freesound_aiwha_ding.flac VOLUME_THRESHOLD=0.2 [component-1] name = wardrobeintest command = gst-launch-0.10 rsbaudiosrc scope=/home/wardrobe/audio/in/16bit/16000Hz/LE ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! fakesink dump=true path = /usr/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = pid,stdoutexclude,stdoutexclude timeout = 5,2,2 blocking = True,True,True ongoing = False,False,False criteria = ,ERROR,FAILURE [component-2] name = kitchenintest command = gst-launch-0.10 rsbaudiosrc scope=/mobile/flobi/audio/in/16bit/16000Hz/LE ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! fakesink dump=true path = /usr/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = pid,stdoutexclude,stdoutexclude timeout = 5,2,2 blocking = True,True,True ongoing = False,False,False criteria = ,ERROR,FAILURE [component-3] name = wardrobeouttest command = testaudio.sh /home/wardrobe/audio/out/marytts path = $prefix/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = pid,stdoutexclude,stdoutexclude timeout = 5,2,2 blocking = True,True,True ongoing = False,False,False criteria = ,ERROR,FAILURE [component-4] name = kitchenouttest command = testaudio.sh /mobile/flobi/audio/out/marytts path = $prefix/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = pid,stdoutexclude,stdoutexclude timeout = 5,2,2 blocking = True,True,True ongoing = False,False,True criteria = ,ERROR,FAILURE [component-5] name = sleep command = sleep.sh 3 path = $prefix/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = stdout timeout = 4 blocking = True ongoing = False criteria = Slept for 3 Seconds, [component-6] name = wardrobeanalyzer command = volume-analyzer.py $FSMLOG/wardrobeintest.log $VOLUME_THRESHOLD path = $prefix/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = stdout timeout = 30 blocking = True ongoing = False criteria = Volume threshold reached, [component-6] name = kitchenanalyzer command = volume-analyzer.py $FSMLOG/kitchenintest.log $VOLUME_THRESHOLD path = $prefix/bin/ execution_host = localhost check_execution = True check_type = stdout timeout = 30 blocking = True ongoing = False criteria = Volume threshold reached, [run] name = audio-io-test-vdemo-scopes run_order = [('wardrobeouttest',),('wardrobeintest',)],[('kitchenintest',),('kitchenouttest',)], run_execution_duration = 10 result_assessment_order = [('wardrobeanalyzer','kitchenanalyzer')], result_assessment_execution_duration = 0.1